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8236 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

2CNDL23FX56051004 ChevroletEquinox2005Found Records - 5
1FAFP53U47A108567 FORDTAURUS2007Found Records - 26
1FTRE14W76DA03637 FORDECONOLINE2006Found Records - 19
1FMZU73KX5ZA11233 FORDEXPLORER2005Found Records - 9
2HGES16575H545397 HONDACIVIC LX2005Found Records - 24
4T1BF3EK3BU169987 TOYOTACAMRY2011Found Records - 33
2FMGK5DC2BBD30844 FORDFLEX2011Found Records - 16
WAUG8AFC4HN002957 AUDIA6 22017Found Records - 23
4T1BF3EK0BU192935 TOYOTACAMRY2011Found Records - 19
1G1AK55F567868707 CHEVROLETCOBALT LS2006Found Records - 22
1G1AK52F157637208 CHEVROLETCOBALT2005Found Records - 17
1FTRW076X2KE33817 FORDF1502002Found Records - 19
1G1ZT61876F141099 CHEVROLETMALIBU2006Found Records - 19
1FTNX21S04ED60925 FORDF2502004Found Records - 16
1D8GU58K69W542804 DODGENITRO2009Found Records - 14
2FAHP74V79X144307 FORDCROWN VICTORIA2009Found Records - 14
1FAFP53U37A105319 FORDTAURUS SE2007Found Records - 18
JTDBU4EE2BJ096784 TOYOTACOROLLA2011Found Records - 25
1FAFP53U16A247229 FordTaurus2006Found Records - 20
1FMJU2A50AEB70079 FORDEXPEDITION2010Found Records - 16
1G1ZT518X6F140040 CHEVROLETMALIBU2006Found Records - 5
5N1DL0MN4HC509402 INFINITIQX602017Found Records - 15
1GNDV33197D113710 ChevroletUplander2007Found Records - 11
JN1BJ0RP3HM381596 INFINITIQX502017Found Records - 21
5N1DL0MN2HC509303 INFINITIQX602017Found Records - 15
1G1AK55F777148908 ChevroletCobalt2007Found Records - 25
KNAFB121515077593 KIASEPHIA2001Found Records - 24
1FAFP23186G160266 FordFive Hundred2006Found Records - 14
1G4HP54KXY4123800 BuickLeSabre2000Found Records - 11
WBAHN83526DT29971 BMW7502006Found Records - 26
1G1ZT51F56F229996 CHEVROLETMALIBU2006Found Records - 33
1FMPU195X6LA00582 FORDEXPEDITION2006Found Records - 15
YV1RS592X62525514 VolvoS602006Found Records - 15
3FADP4FJ6CM161755 FORDFIESTA2012Found Records - 18
1N4AL2AP6CC163134 NissanAltima2012Found Records - 11
5GADT13S162356824 BuickRainier2006Found Records - 20
1FAFP37N57W330884 FORDFOCUS2007Found Records - 20
3GNDA23D97S514853 ChevroletHHR2007Found Records - 20
1J4GL48K47W642998 JEEPLIBERTY2007Found Records - 28
3GNEC13T73G119695 ChevroletAvalanche 15002003Found Records - 29
1G11E5SA2GF106880 CHEVROLETMALIBU LIMITED2016Found Records - 22
JA4MS41X97U001210 MITSUBISHIOUTLANDER2007Found Records - 5
1C3AN65L15X057452 ChryslerCrossfire2005Found Records - 18
1FMZU73KX5ZA61940 FORDEXPLORER2005Found Records - 14
1FTRW12W86FA73605 FORDF1502006Found Records - 14
1FMZU65K35UB24123 FORDEXPLORER2005Found Records - 10
2G4WC552271119686 BuickLaCrosse2007Found Records - 29
3GCUKREC7HG185173 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 16
1GCNKNEH2HZ138223 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 15
1G1BC5SM0H7165264 CHEVROLETCRUZE LS2017Found Records - 17
1FMJU1H54BEF47790 FORDEXPEDITION2011Found Records - 23
3GCUKREC4HG158576 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 26
3GCUKTEC1HG180421 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 7
1GCNKNEC7HZ128632 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 19
3GCUKREC1HG163816 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 18
3GCUKREC3GG309986 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002016Found Records - 32
1FMDK05W38GA21268 FORDTAURUS X2008Found Records - 17
1FTRF18273NA22201 FORDF1502003Found Records - 5
1D7HA18N06J197895 DODGERAM2006Found Records - 29
1C4RJFCT6HC723939 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2017Found Records - 24
1G1FB3DX2H0148104 CHEVROLETCAMARO LT2017Found Records - 13
1G1BD5SM9H7163140 CHEVROLETCRUZE LT2017Found Records - 8
1C4PJLCB7HW543140 JEEPCHEROKEE LATITUDE2017Found Records - 8
2GKFLUE3XG6200708 GMCTERRAIN SLT2016Found Records - 15
1C4RJFLT6HC695057 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2017Found Records - 17
5NPEC4AC9BH235872 HYUNDAISONATA2011Found Records - 22
3A4FY58B97T506102 CHRYSLERPT CRUISER TOURING E2007Found Records - 9
2G1WB55K469309859 CHEVROLETIMPALA2006Found Records - 31
1NXBU4EE6AZ275628 TOYOTACOROLLA2010Found Records - 21
2G1WT55KX69412944 CHEVROLETIMPALA LT2006Found Records - 19
1YVFP80C165M58893 MAZDAMAZDA6I2006Found Records - 28
2FMHK6DT6CBD19437 FORDFLEX2012Found Records - 23
5NPEU46C36H095345 HyundaiSonata2006Found Records - 17
2FMGK5BC0CBD09138 FORDFLEX2012Found Records - 21
1D4GP24R46B663571 DODGEGRAND CARAVAN SE2006Found Records - 16
1G1ZT53856F155509 CHEVROLETMALIBU2006Found Records - 19
2HGES16314H565030 HONDACIVIC2004Found Records - 8
1LNHL9FT8BG600612 LINCOLNMKS2011Found Records - 9
1G1ZT618X6F242623 ChevroletMalibu2006Found Records - 13
1B7GG22N61S314420 DODGEDAKOTA2001Found Records - 10
2C3KA43R76H461048 Chrysler3002006Found Records - 13
1FTRX12W94NB39224 FORDF1502004Found Records - 17
1G1AL55F867628791 CHEVROLETCOBALT LT2006Found Records - 25
2G1WT58K069410339 CHEVROLETIMPALA LT2006Found Records - 15
1G1ND52F85M256212 CHEVROLETCLASSIC2005Found Records - 11
3N1CB51D76L464245 NISSANSENTRA 12006Found Records - 15
3N1CB51D96L489499 NISSANSENTRA 12006Found Records - 31
1FAFP53255A302598 FordTaurus2005Found Records - 24
1FTWW31PX6EB70593 FORDF3502006Found Records - 17
JN8DR07YX1W504383 NISSANPATHFINDER2001Found Records - 18
YV4102KMXH1121668 VOLVOXC902017Found Records - 21
3GCUKRECXHG210860 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 14
3GCUKREC7HG210749 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 20
3GCUKREC3HG214118 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 14
3GCUKREC2HG212635 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 16
3GCUKREC2HG210450 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 9
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1FMEU63E76UA89549 FORDEXPLORER2006Found Records - 27
3GTP2UEA3CG277145 GMCSierra 15002012Found Records - 17
3GCUKRECXHG214083 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 15
1FAFP34N37W129828 FORDFOCUS2007Found Records - 27
JM1BK12F761457028 MAZDA32006Found Records - 17
1G1AL55F967621753 CHEVROLETCOBALT LT2006Found Records - 16
2B3KA43R06H296327 DODGECHARGER2006Found Records - 18
1FMEU75856UB72555 FORDEXPLORER2006Found Records - 17
1FTWW31P96EA96132 FORDF3502006Found Records - 12
5N1AR18U66C633905 NissanPathfinder2006Found Records - 17
2G1WT55K969412658 ChevroletImpala2006Found Records - 21
1C3EL75R36N135972 ChryslerSebring2006Found Records - 23
1HGES16465L014718 HONDACIVIC2005Found Records - 20
1D7HA18P67S110062 DODGERAM2007Found Records - 8
1FMEU73E66UB50640 FORDEXPLORER2006Found Records - 10
1FAFP53U54A128452 FORDTAURUS SE2004Found Records - 19
2C3KA63H77H659648 Chrysler3002007Found Records - 27
1N4AL11D46N366290 NISSANALTIMA S2006Found Records - 17
1FTNW20PX4EB84756 FORDF2502004Found Records - 22
1C3AN65L05X057250 CHRYSLERCROSSFIRE2005Found Records - 14
1G1AK52F457655203 CHEVROLETCOBALT2005Found Records - 10
2FAFP71W11X183452 FORDCROWN VICTORIA2001Found Records - 14
3FADP4BJ6DM165361 FORDFIESTA2013Found Records - 15
JTEZT14R660027091 TOYOTA4RUNNER2006Found Records - 17
1G1ZS58F77F155166 ChevroletMalibu2007Found Records - 18
1FMJU1H55BEF31064 FORDEXPEDITION2011Found Records - 11
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3A4FY58B06T324447 CHRYSLERPT CRUISER TOURING E2006Found Records - 19
2T2BZMCA5GC004907 LEXUSRX 3502016Found Records - 20
2G4WC552271104072 BuickLaCrosse2007Found Records - 13
1FTSW20P35EB37637 FORDF2502005Found Records - 23
1J8GR48K87C521244 JEEPCHEROKEE2007Found Records - 11
1FMEU63EX6ZA10250 FORDEXPLORER2006Found Records - 7
1FTWW31P26EC79937 FORDF3502006Found Records - 28
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1FMEU74E76ZA08377 FORDEXPLORER2006Found Records - 25
1G1AK55F077109089 ChevroletCobalt2007Found Records - 26
1FBSS31L81HB45033 FORDECONOLINE E350 SUPER2001Found Records - 11
2FMZA51481BB68452 FORDWINDSTAR LX2001Found Records - 19
1FTNF21556EC66457 FORDF-2502006Found Records - 22
2G1WT55K769285702 ChevroletImpala2006Found Records - 14
2G1WB55K269308547 CHEVROLETIMPALA LS2006Found Records - 24
1FTWW33PX6ED79829 FORDF3502006Found Records - 28
2C3KA53G37H615860 CHRYSLER300 TOURING2007Found Records - 19
5GAKRBKD8EJ127799 BUICKENCLAVE2014Found Records - 32
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1FD0X4HY1GEA60987 FORDF4502016Found Records - 24
1FMEU64E26UB21547 FORDEXPLORER2006Found Records - 17
1D7HA18N86J178818 DodgeRam 15002006Found Records - 25
JHMES96674S014468 HONDACIVIC2004Found Records - 22
2B3KA43R76H479062 DodgeCharger2006Found Records - 17
1FAHP35N98W297448 FORDFOCUS2008Found Records - 23
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1FTRF18283NB49863 FORDF1502003Found Records - 26
2FTZA54685BA34161 FORDFREESTAR2005Found Records - 12
2B3KA43R46H448223 DodgeCharger2006Found Records - 15
2G1WF55K259381050 CHEVROLETIMPALA2005Found Records - 6
1FTSX31P36ED91979 FORDF3502006Found Records - 26
JNKCV51E33M000799 INFINITIG352003Found Records - 25
3GNBABFW3BS556545 CHEVROLETHHR2011Found Records - 20
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2FAFP71W23X102624 FORDCROWN VICTORIA2003Found Records - 14
1FMZU73K23ZB38426 FORDEXPLORER XLT2003Found Records - 20
1C4NJDBB2DD221980 JEEPCOMPASS SPORT2013Found Records - 18
5XYKT3A14BG146097 KIASORENTO2011Found Records - 22
1N4AL21E78N504213 NISSANALTIMA 22008Found Records - 10
2G1WT55K279138026 CHEVROLETIMPALA2007Found Records - 16
1FTNF21575EC11877 FORDF2502005Found Records - 23
3GNBABFW1BS561310 CHEVROLETHHR2011Found Records - 5
1G6KD57Y37U103246 CADILLACDTS2007Found Records - 15
JTDBT4K31C1417916 TOYOTAYARIS2012Found Records - 23