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30612 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

2G1WW12E259103613 CHEVROLETMONTE CARLO2005Found Records - 13
KNDJD735085813152 KiaSorento2008Found Records - 11
1N4AL11DX5N906420 NISSANALTIMA S2005Found Records - 12
2C4GP54L23R209391 CHRYSLERTOWN & COU2003Found Records - 22
1G6AH5SX0F0115584 CADILLACATS LUXURY2015Found Records - 22
4T1BF1FK1CU031093 TOYOTACAMRY2012Found Records - 13
1J4GL48K16W193620 JEEPLIBERTY2006Found Records - 11
1G6AB5SX1F0136817 CADILLACATS LUXURY2015Found Records - 22
3B7HF13Z61G756320 DODGERAM 1500 QUAD2001Found Records - 11
1G1PC5SB5F7214976 CHEVROLETCRUZE LT2015Found Records - 26
1G6AB5SX2F0121355 CADILLACATS LUXURY2015Found Records - 14
KNDUP132256641185 KIASEDONA EX2005Found Records - 15
1FTFW1CF8BFD34033 FORDF-1502011Found Records - 10
JF1SG65657H728211 SubaruForester2007Found Records - 12
1J8GW48S84C200082 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2004Found Records - 10
1G6AB5SX6F0139972 CADILLACATS LUXURY2015Found Records - 27
5UXZV4C59D0B00600 BMWX52013Found Records - 6
3VWRG71K65M646091 VOLKSWAGENNEWJETTA2005Found Records - 16
1GNDS13S632240720 ChevroletTrailBlazer2003Found Records - 9
2G1FT1EW3B9124382 CHEVROLETCAMARO SS2011Found Records - 17
2G4WB55K611261615 BUICKREGAL2001Found Records - 13
5TBBT4814YS089304 TOYOTATUNDRA2000Found Records - 16
2G4GN5EC9B9205658 BUICKREGAL CXL2011Found Records - 24
3C4FY48B25T607981 CHRYSLERPT CRUISER2005Found Records - 25
1N4AL3AP1FC291355 NISSANALTIMA SV2015Found Records - 14
1N6BD0CT2AC433920 NISSANFRONTIER SE2010Found Records - 14
KNAFX4A63E5234527 KIAFORTE2014Found Records - 18
5FRYD3H27EB004679 ACURAMDX BASE2014Found Records - 26
2C8GP64LX5R422418 CHRYSLERTOWN & COU2005Found Records - 15
KNDJT2A28B7235182 KIASOUL2011Found Records - 16
1FA6P8CF2F5429694 FORDMUSTANG2015Found Records - 28
1GKDT13S972251288 GMCEnvoy2007Found Records - 19
WBAPH5G56BNM78531 BMW328I2011Found Records - 17
1G1YU3D62G5700566 CHEVROLETCORVETTE2016Found Records - 17
1ZVFT80N565146267 FORDMUSTANG2006Found Records - 21
2G1WC5E30D1120983 CHEVROLETIMPALA2013Found Records - 20
2A8GP64L07R161555 CHRYSLERTOWN &2007Found Records - 16
1D7KU28633J538147 DODGERAM 2500 TRUCK2003Found Records - 20
1N4AA5AP3CC861790 NISSANMAXIMA2012Found Records - 17
3C6JR7AT1DG508689 Ram15002013Found Records - 31
1B3EL46X36N209013 DODGESTRATUS2006Found Records - 13
1GKES16P136215497 GMCEnvoy2003Found Records - 25
KMHE24L14GA030131 HYUNDAISONATA HYBRID2016Found Records - 5
5TDZT34A56S264419 TOYOTASEQUOIA2006Found Records - 18
2C3CCABG2DH547023 Chrysler3002013Found Records - 12
KNDJC733145305445 KIASORENTO EX2004Found Records - 18
1C4RJFCT0DC523181 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2013Found Records - 13
KMHCT5AE3GU294875 HYUNDAIACCENT SE2016Found Records - 24
1FT7W2BT4BEC16360 FORDF2502011Found Records - 15
JN8AZ1MU2EW416105 NissanMurano2014Found Records - 12
3D7KS28A97G794214 DODGERAM 25002007Found Records - 11
1GCHG35R321238753 CHEVROLETEXPRESS VAN2002Found Records - 23
WBA3C1C57EK110425 BMW3 Series2014Found Records - 11
WBA5B1C56GG552355 BMW5 SERIES2016Found Records - 15
1D8GU58698W168481 DODGENITRO2008Found Records - 21
WBA5A5C52GG352342 BMW5 SERIES2016Found Records - 11
2B3HD46R04H690744 DODGEINTREPID2004Found Records - 15
YV4CZ982281466481 VOLVOXC902008Found Records - 19
2A4RR5D17AR351034 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2010Found Records - 8
JTHHE5BC1G5014297 LEXUSRC 3502016Found Records - 22
WBAXH5C59CDW09030 BMW5 SERIES2012Found Records - 12
WDZPE8CC4D5771316 MERCEDES-BENZSPRINTER2013Found Records - 11
5NPDH4AE7DH247875 HyundaiElantra2013Found Records - 27
WBAPL335X9A407147 BMW335XI2009Found Records - 19
1FTNX21F53EB27415 FORDF250 SUPER2003Found Records - 17
2GCEC19T8Y1327567 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002000Found Records - 25
KL4CJBSB4EB512029 BuickEncore2014Found Records - 13
2HKRL18742H550541 HONDAODYSSEY EX2002Found Records - 10
JTJBARBZ7G2093584 LEXUSNX 200T2016Found Records - 20
2A4RR8DG6BR760455 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2011Found Records - 14
WBA8E1G52GNT38053 BMW3 SERIES2016Found Records - 16
1GNEK13T61R212756 CHEVROLETTAHOE2001Found Records - 20
5NPEB4AC6BH112033 HyundaiSonata2011Found Records - 8
JTHBA30G540006255 LexusES2004Found Records - 18
2HNYD2H20CH549149 ACURAMDX2012Found Records - 23
1HGCP36879A002022 HONDAACCORD2009Found Records - 6
1G6EL12Y8YB704844 CADILLACELDORADO2000Found Records - 20
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JTMZD33V166019103 TOYOTARAV42006Found Records - 13
3D7HU18N02G156170 DODGERAM 1500 TRUCK2002Found Records - 14
5NPDH4AE9DH246369 HYUNDAIELANTRA2013Found Records - 24
2GCEK19T2Y1306295 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002000Found Records - 22
5FNYF4H62AB032520 HONDAPILOT2010Found Records - 9
1J8HG68297C635694 JEEPCOMMANDER2007Found Records - 24
JNKBV61FX7M800564 INFINITIG352007Found Records - 15
WBA5A5C58GD527887 BMW5 SERIES2016Found Records - 30
4T4BF1FK5CR180631 TOYOTACAMRY LE2012Found Records - 10
1FTSE34L59DA48776 FORDECONOLINE2009Found Records - 28
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WDDDJ72X17A099634 MERCEDES-BENZCLS5502007Found Records - 22
9BWPG61J614055332 VolkswagenGTI2001Found Records - 13
WBXPA93466WG80240 BMWX3 32006Found Records - 6
1GKFK03289R134771 GMCYukon2009Found Records - 19
3C6UR5FL4FG584372 RAM25002015Found Records - 16
1FMCU0G9XGUA54474 FORDESCAPE SE2016Found Records - 19
1G1JF12F347125669 CHEVROLETCAVALIER2004Found Records - 26
2G1WF52E519285423 ChevroletImpala2001Found Records - 14
1HGCG2250YA026196 HondaAccord2000Found Records - 22
2HKRM4H58EH628367 HONDACR-V2014Found Records - 24
1FTPX14566NB44833 FordF-1502006Found Records - 18
3D7LX38C46G144783 DODGERAM 3500 TRUCK2006Found Records - 22
2CNALBEW4A6260510 CHEVROLETEQUINOX2010Found Records - 6
5FNYF4H51CB022717 HONDAPILOT2012Found Records - 17
1FMCU94165KD40348 FORDESCAPE2005Found Records - 15
3D7KU28C74G250821 DODGERAM 2500 TRUCK2004Found Records - 11
1FMCU0D73AKA12573 FordEscape2010Found Records - 17
2G1115S33G9115707 CHEVROLETIMPALA LT2016Found Records - 19
1N4AL2AP6CN456164 NISSANALTIMA2012Found Records - 17
JTDBVRBD5HA001181 TOYOTAMIRAI2017Found Records - 11
2FMDK4KC0DBA68650 FORDEDGE LIMITED2013Found Records - 19
1N4AL2AP8CN505557 NISSANALTIMA2012Found Records - 22
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1FTRF12215NA98458 FORDF1502005Found Records - 25
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2C8GP64L45R365360 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2005Found Records - 14
5N1AA08A15N720895 NISSANARMADA 4X22005Found Records - 22
3FA6P0H93DR171698 FordFusion2013Found Records - 24
1YVHP80D865M34477 MAZDAMAZDA6S2006Found Records - 22
4T3ZA3BB5DU066811 ToyotaVenza2013Found Records - 16
JN8AZ08T25W303766 NISSANMURANO SL2005Found Records - 22
3VWDP7AJ2CM330198 VolkswagenJetta2012Found Records - 18
2G1WW12E759350335 CHEVROLETMONTE CARLO2005Found Records - 11
19UUA66246A004762 ACURA32006Found Records - 19
5FNRL38746B429881 HONDAODYSSEY2006Found Records - 26
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1D7HU18N82S560388 DODGERAM 1500 TRUCK2002Found Records - 19
2C4RDGBG9DR733481 DODGEGRAND CARAVAN2013Found Records - 16
1C3CDZAG3DN748160 DodgeAvenger2013Found Records - 15
19VDE1F77DE015078 ACURAILX2013Found Records - 20
1D8GT28K78W268576 DODGENITRO2008Found Records - 26
4T1CA30P65U055184 TOYOTACAMRY SOLA2005Found Records - 18
3N1CN7AP0HL822432 NissanVersa2017Found Records - 11
1FMEU74E88UA21378 FORDEXPLORER E2008Found Records - 19
3FA6P0H78DR220361 FordFusion2013Found Records - 10
1HGCR2F30DA086394 HONDAACCORD2013Found Records - 22
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1G1AB5F51A7127758 CHEVROLETCOBALT2010Found Records - 27
4T1BK1FK9CU006146 TOYOTACAMRY2012Found Records - 17
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1FMZU74WX5UA50581 FordExplorer2005Found Records - 14
1G1ND52J9Y6335336 CHEVROLETMALIBU2000Found Records - 17
1FTRW07643KD28935 FordF-1502003Found Records - 25
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1FM5K8D85DGB55733 FORDEXPLORER XLT2013Found Records - 18
3D4PH5FV9AT149599 DODGEJOURNEY2010Found Records - 32
1C3CDZABXDN627307 DodgeAvenger2013Found Records - 17
1D7RV1CTXAS212856 DODGERAM TRUCK2010Found Records - 21
JTHBA30G355105239 LEXUSES 3302005Found Records - 19
3FAHP0HA8BR109245 FORDFUSION2011Found Records - 20
1FMHK8D88CGA74463 FordExplorer2012Found Records - 17
1FTFW1EV8AFB66770 FordF-1502010Found Records - 20
1G1ZE5E17BF135279 CHEVROLETMALIBU2011Found Records - 23
3N1AB7AP2FY263398 NISSANSENTRA2015Found Records - 23
1B3ES56C13D149336 DodgeNeon2003Found Records - 21
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1ZVBP8AN6A5139676 FordMustang2010Found Records - 28
2FMZA51471BB85162 FORDWINDSTAR2001Found Records - 14
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