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30578 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

1LNHM86S53Y681000 LINCOLNLS2003Found Records - 5
1B3HB48BX7D239585 DodgeCaliber2007Found Records - 27
1C4AJWAGXEL323378 JEEPWRANGLER2014Found Records - 21
3FAHP0JG6CR327846 FordFusion2012Found Records - 25
KNAFB121945309861 KIASpectra2004Found Records - 24
2G1WH52K759142138 CHEVROLETIMPALA2005Found Records - 14
19UUA5668YA048067 ACURA32000Found Records - 21
KMHGH4JF7BU035417 HyundaiEquus2011Found Records - 17
5YFBURHE9FP305996 TOYOTACOROLLA LE2015Found Records - 29
3A8FY58B58T105226 ChryslerPT Cruiser2008Found Records - 15
1GNKRGKD8EJ361878 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2014Found Records - 24
2CNFLEEC8B6362956 ChevroletEquinox2011Found Records - 22
1GNFC36009J104643 ChevroletSuburban2009Found Records - 17
2GNALBEKXD6175605 ChevroletEquinox2013Found Records - 16
WAURVAFD5CN021486 AUDIA82012Found Records - 19
2HNYD18246H540016 ACURAMDX2006Found Records - 7
1G1ZB5E11BF323840 CHEVROLETMALIBU2011Found Records - 15
2G1WF52E729219831 CHEVROLETIMPALA2002Found Records - 21
1FTPW145X4KC57931 FORDF150 SUPERCREW2004Found Records - 20
1FDWX37PX3ED86407 FORDF350 SUPER2003Found Records - 17
3C4FY48B14T327953 CHRYSLERPT CRUISER2004Found Records - 24
1J4RR4GG9BC615049 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2011Found Records - 18
3D7KS19DX6G145118 DodgeRam 15002006Found Records - 15
2C4RC1BG8CR313743 ChryslerTown and Country2012Found Records - 17
5N1AL0MM6DC328340 INFINITIJX352013Found Records - 15
3TMCZ5AN4HM052668 TOYOTATACOMA TRD2017Found Records - 22
5N1BA0NF5FN619591 NISSANARMADA PLATINUM2015Found Records - 24
WAUAFAFL5EA078069 AUDIA42014Found Records - 23
JTMDJREV2HD069882 TOYOTARAV4 HYBRID2017Found Records - 27
1J8HH58N36C179305 JEEPCOMMANDER2006Found Records - 17
1FMFK195X8LA47986 FORDEXPEDITION EL2008Found Records - 30
WAUVFAFR4BA084589 AudiA52011Found Records - 26
1FATP8EM5H5226638 FORDMUSTANG2017Found Records - 23
JTHBF30G725034656 LEXUSES 3002002Found Records - 21
1FADP5CU5GL115944 FORDC-MAX ENERGI2016Found Records - 22
1G1BE5SMXH7182132 CHEVROLETCRUZE2017Found Records - 8
1FTNE24W77DB33388 FORDECONOLINE2007Found Records - 22
1GNKVHKD7HJ213890 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2017Found Records - 20
1GNKRGKD7EJ198236 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2014Found Records - 19
KMHCF35C03U252761 HyundaiAccent2003Found Records - 16
1FMHK8D86CGA80259 FORDEXPLORER2012Found Records - 16
1ZVHT85H075350732 FORDMUSTANG2007Found Records - 12
5NPEU46F67H154934 HYUNDAISONATA SE2007Found Records - 20
2C4RDGCG5CR225120 DodgeGrand Caravan2012Found Records - 8
5TDYK3DC3FS535798 TOYOTASIENNA XLE2015Found Records - 29
1G1ZA5EB7AF311041 ChevroletMalibu2010Found Records - 6
1FT7W2BT3GEA32972 FORDF-2502016Found Records - 20
JN1BJ0RR2HM402794 INFINITIQX502017Found Records - 22
1FMYU93177KB25944 FordEscape2007Found Records - 22
JTEZU14R650055405 TOYOTA4RUNNER2005Found Records - 14
3D4PG1FG8BT532819 DodgeJourney2011Found Records - 20
1FTEW1CF2GKD00700 FORDF-1502016Found Records - 7
1FTEW1CF1GKD15446 FORDF-1502016Found Records - 19
3FAHP0HA9BR166604 FordFUSION2011Found Records - 16
1G6DC67A950226395 CADILLACSTS2005Found Records - 23
3FAHP0HA8BR293974 FORDFUSION2011Found Records - 23
2A4RR5D13AR448943 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2010Found Records - 24
1FT7W2BT0GEA98296 FORDF-2502016Found Records - 25
1FAHP24W28G172452 FordTaurus2008Found Records - 13
JTEDP21A240003371 TOYOTAHIGHLANDER2004Found Records - 14
1FAHP2EW2BG150134 FORDTAURUS2011Found Records - 8
2G1WG5E39C1204352 ChevroletImpala2012Found Records - 14
1C3CDZABXDN611379 DodgeAvenger2013Found Records - 20
1GNKRGKD9EJ194432 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2014Found Records - 13
1FTRF02W34KD84373 FORDF1502004Found Records - 17
1FM5K7F86GGC14042 FORDEXPLORER2016Found Records - 10
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1FTPW14V09FA82251 FORDF1502009Found Records - 10
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1FMCU0DG0BKA94067 FORDESCAPE2011Found Records - 17
5J8TB4H58EL024214 AcuraRDX2014Found Records - 11
2C4RC1BG0DR787607 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2013Found Records - 20
1FM5K7F87GGC25311 FORDEXPLORER2016Found Records - 10
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3FA6P0H73GR240568 FORDFUSION2016Found Records - 19
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5J6RM4H79GL106387 HONDACR-V EXL2016Found Records - 24
2LMHJ5AT4GBL03071 LINCOLNMKT2016Found Records - 11
2D8HN44E89R584332 DODGEGRAND CARA2009Found Records - 12
5NPET46C39H541971 HyundaiSonata2009Found Records - 18
1D7HU18D55J507875 DODGERAM 15002005Found Records - 27
3A4FY48B47T537445 CHRYSLERPT CRUISER2007Found Records - 20
JTHBL46F475047305 LEXUSLS 4602007Found Records - 15
1GNSKCKC5FR146787 CHEVROLETTAHOE2015Found Records - 28
3GTU2NEC3HG235589 GMCSIERRA 15002017Found Records - 27
3G1BE6SM1HS551872 CHEVROLETCRUZE2017Found Records - 18
1G1BC5SM8H7182099 CHEVROLETCRUZE2017Found Records - 20
2G1WF52E759240134 ChevroletImpala2005Found Records - 8
YV1CZ91H641081401 VOLVOXC902004Found Records - 6
1GCGSCE35G1289877 CHEVROLETCOLORADO2016Found Records - 31
1C4RJFLG5HC671318 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2017Found Records - 13
JF1VA1L61H9819430 SUBARUWRX2017Found Records - 16
2C4RC1BG9DR775844 ChryslerTown & Country2013Found Records - 21
2C4RC1BG8DR775849 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2013Found Records - 26
1FT7W2BT5GEA43309 FORDF-2502016Found Records - 15
1C3CCBBGXDN703600 CHRYSLER2002013Found Records - 9
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JN1EY1AP4CM910279 InfinitiM35h2012Found Records - 18
2C4RC1BG9DR759028 ChryslerTown & Country2013Found Records - 19
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1GNSKCKC0FR161875 CHEVROLETTAHOE2015Found Records - 21
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5TFLU4EN4CX030806 TOYOTATACOMA2012Found Records - 14
1B3BD1FB5BN577271 DODGEAVENGER2011Found Records - 17
4T1BK1EB5EU088302 ToyotaAvalon2014Found Records - 13
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1GNSCCKC9FR269361 CHEVROLETTAHOE2015Found Records - 19
1NXBU4EE8AZ273072 TOYOTACOROLLA2010Found Records - 12
3FAHP0HAXCR302238 FORDFUSION2012Found Records - 15
2C4RC1BG0DR787669 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2013Found Records - 28
2GNALDEK4C6224954 ChevroletEquinox2012Found Records - 22
1FTFW1EV3AKA47242 FordF-1502010Found Records - 15
1J8HS58N15C619098 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2005Found Records - 26
1FAFP25145G144478 FORDFIVE HUNDR2005Found Records - 23
1N4AL3APXDN524327 NissanAltima2013Found Records - 16
WVWBB7AJ5DW005104 VolkswagenGolf2013Found Records - 10
4S3BH675147630788 SUBARULEGACY OUT2004Found Records - 23
1GTHK23246F107001 GMCSIERRA K252006Found Records - 8
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1GKS1HKJ0GR405294 GMCYUKON XL2016Found Records - 20
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1FTZR45E38PA68126 FORDRANGER2008Found Records - 17
1N4AL2AP6CN487771 NISSANALTIMA2012Found Records - 22
1GNKRFED8EJ291238 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2014Found Records - 14
JTDKB20U983399910 TOYOTAPRIUS2008Found Records - 19
1D4HB58D44F189940 DODGEDURANGO2004Found Records - 22
1GT12UE86GF218309 GMCSIERRA 2500HD2016Found Records - 20
1GKEV13D39J139529 GMCAcadia2009Found Records - 25
5J6RM4H78EL030514 HONDACR-V2014Found Records - 10
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1HGCM66507A062673 HONDAACCORD2007Found Records - 18
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4T1BF1FK8EU825690 ToyotaCamry2014Found Records - 20
1N4AL3AP3DC139770 NISSANALTIMA2013Found Records - 23
2GTEK19T1Y1102961 GMCSIERRA C2000Found Records - 18
1C3CCCBB4FN629572 CHRYSLER2002015Found Records - 23
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1FAFP56S42A216903 FordTaurus2002Found Records - 18
1GC1KWE89GF268682 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 25002016Found Records - 24
1FMYU03Z17KB43468 FORDESCAPE2007Found Records - 21
1C4BJWDG0DL623381 JeepWrangler Unlimited2013Found Records - 15
1C3CCBBB5DN716324 CHRYSLER2002013Found Records - 15
2C3KA73W56H112431 Chrysler3002006Found Records - 10
2C4RDGCG1DR739080 DodgeCARAVAN2013Found Records - 17
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1GTV2NEC1HZ129159 GMCSIERRA 15002017Found Records - 24
2FMDK3JC9BBB61532 FordEdge2011Found Records - 11
1FTZR15E47PA43118 FORDRANGER2007Found Records - 13
1GNKVFED6EJ245855 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2014Found Records - 23
1FTEW1EP8HFA47303 FORDF1502017Found Records - 13
5GAET13P642247479 BuickRainier2004Found Records - 27
SALVT2BG4DH817541 Land RoverRange Rover Evoque2013Found Records - 17
JA32V2FW3GU009892 MITSUBISHILANCER SE2016Found Records - 28
1GNDT13S252378822 ChevroletTrailBlazer2005Found Records - 20
1FTPW14V47FB10369 FordF-1502007Found Records - 18
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JA4JZ4AX3GZ022801 MITSUBISHIOUTLANDER GT2016Found Records - 11
5N1DL0MN0HC513723 INFINITIQX602017Found Records - 15
1C3CDZCG0DN709295 DodgeAvenger2013Found Records - 25
JN8AF5MR5ET355345 NissanJuke2014Found Records - 17
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2C4RC1BG1DR759010 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2013Found Records - 10