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25140 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

1N4AL11D85C235518 NISSANAltima2005Found Records - 19
4T1BE46KX9U410915 TOYOTACAMRY2009Found Records - 15
1GNDT13W2Y2355984 CHEVROLETTrailblazer2000Found Records - 26
1J4FT27P5YL169371 JEEPCompass2000Found Records - 20
1J4GR48K75C564617 JEEPGrand Cherokee2005Found Records - 18
1D4HB58DX4F240373 DODGEDurango2004Found Records - 13
KL1TD52614B203903 CHEVROLETAveo2004Found Records - 15
1B3ES26C35D224278 DODGENeon2005Found Records - 21
1G4HP52K63U119903 BUICKLucerne2003Found Records - 21
JHMGD38407S814075 HONDAFIT2007Found Records - 16
1N4AL21E57N464695 NISSANAltima2007Found Records - 24
4T1BE32K32U059576 TOYOTACAMRY2002Found Records - 27
1B3ES46C8YD735498 DODGENeon2000Found Records - 26
1B3ES56C84D546494 DODGENeon2004Found Records - 23
JM1FE17N940129850 MAZDARX-82004Found Records - 22
SHSRD78442U009079 HONDACR-V2002Found Records - 25
1G1ND52F54M517276 CHEVROLETMalibu Classic2004Found Records - 22
1J8FT47W78D795273 JEEPCompass2008Found Records - 17
1HGEM22581L099389 HONDACivic2001Found Records - 29
JTHBJ46G892298931 LEXUSES3502009Found Records - 21
1J4GW48S64C288597 JEEPGrand Cherokee2004Found Records - 29
2HKRL185XYH538160 HONDAODYSSEY2000Found Records - 15
1J4FA39S65P308425 JEEPWrangler2005Found Records - 19
JN1AZ34E66M353591 NISSAN350Z2006Found Records - 18
1FMDU74WX3UB22595 FORDExplorer2003Found Records - 21
1GNEC16Z72J228199 CHEVROLETSuburban2002Found Records - 27
JN1AZ34D73T111899 NISSAN350Z2003Found Records - 27
YV1LW61J6Y2711797 VOLVOV702000Found Records - 24
2HGES16684H903775 HONDACivic2004Found Records - 22
1N4DL01DX1C150388 NISSANAltima2001Found Records - 19
1FAFP53UX6A193056 FORDTaurus2006Found Records - 14
WDBUF65J83X110535 MERCEDES-BENZE-Class2003Found Records - 13
1HGCG5660YA114282 HONDAACCORD2000Found Records - 16
3GNCA23D58S674242 CHEVROLETHHR2008Found Records - 12
1N4AL2AP5BC134190 NISSANAltima2011Found Records - 14
JA4MW31R81J030979 MITSUBISHILancer2001Found Records - 25
JTJHF10U620262700 LEXUSRX3002002Found Records - 9
1LNHM86S14Y662543 LINCOLNLS2004Found Records - 14
4T1BE32KX2U515136 TOYOTACAMRY2002Found Records - 15
1Z7HC38K26S579902 MITSUBISHIRaider2006Found Records - 20
1FAFP38362W215166 FORDFocus2002Found Records - 18
JTDKB20U673207115 TOYOTAPRIUS2007Found Records - 14
2C4GP54L94R528840 CHRYSLERTown and Country2004Found Records - 20
2G1WF52E0Y9178130 CHEVROLETImpala2000Found Records - 12
1GNET13H572298457 CHEVROLETTrailblazer2007Found Records - 24
3FAHP08Z38R221157 FORDFusion2008Found Records - 14
4T1BF28B2YU084265 TOYOTAAVALON2000Found Records - 17
1N6BA06A85N547174 NISSANTitan2005Found Records - 19
1FAFP42X64F176115 FORDMustang2004Found Records - 13
1J4FA59S8YP711404 JEEPWrangler2000Found Records - 9
KMHWF35H75A179496 HYUNDAISonata2005Found Records - 28
JTDKB20U677628485 TOYOTAPRIUS2007Found Records - 25
2G1WH52KX49434297 CHEVROLETImpala2004Found Records - 22
1J4GW38S72C171988 JEEPGrand Cherokee2002Found Records - 26
2HGES16403H941403 HONDACivic2003Found Records - 8
KMHDU4AD3AU853786 HYUNDAIElantra2010Found Records - 24
4USBT53443LU01236 BMWZ42003Found Records - 12
YV1SW61R212087262 VOLVOV702001Found Records - 17
3VWSC29M2YM046842 VOLKSWAGENJETTA2000Found Records - 20
KL1TD66686B681979 CHEVROLETAveo2006Found Records - 26
1FMZU62X1YUB71896 FORDExplorer2000Found Records - 24
1G4CW52K2Y4132586 BUICKPark Avenue2000Found Records - 21
3C4FY58B04T228045 CHRYSLERPT Cruiser2004Found Records - 17
2HGFG12866H508476 HONDACIVIC2006Found Records - 25
1J4FF48SX1L542576 JEEPPatriot2001Found Records - 20
KNAGD126845288446 KIAOptima2004Found Records - 22
JT8BH68X3Y0026575 LEXUSGS4002000Found Records - 23
3N1AB61E88L651857 NISSANSentra2008Found Records - 21
KL1TG56657B110453 CHEVROLETAveo2007Found Records - 12
4T1FA38PX4U030448 TOYOTACAMRY2004Found Records - 16
3VWRJ71K09M057027 VOLKSWAGENJETTA2009Found Records - 16
1FMFU16W74LA33156 FORDExpedition2004Found Records - 15
4T3ZF13C31U407549 TOYOTASIENNA2001Found Records - 25
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4T1BE32K93U774394 TOYOTACAMRY2003Found Records - 20
SALTL16453A823356 LAND ROVERDiscovery2003Found Records - 17
YV1VS27593F970096 VOLVOS402003Found Records - 15
1FAFP53U41A135940 FORDTaurus2001Found Records - 18
KMHCG35C44U309347 HYUNDAIAccent2004Found Records - 23
4T1BF3EK1BU150970 TOYOTACAMRY2011Found Records - 16
1GCHC23GX2F164368 CHEVROLETSilverado2002Found Records - 21
KL1TD56677B115775 CHEVROLETAveo2007Found Records - 24
1HGCM55143A035074 HONDAACCORD2003Found Records - 16
2T1BU4EE0AC391876 TOYOTACOROLLA2010Found Records - 22
1HGES16514L018893 HONDACivic2004Found Records - 28
1GCHC29G66E193496 CHEVROLETSilverado2006Found Records - 22
1FAFP33P73W288039 FORDFocus2003Found Records - 20
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1FMRU17L1YLB81455 FORDExpedition2000Found Records - 15
1HGFA16856L034891 HONDACIVIC2006Found Records - 22
1B7HC16YX1S261008 DODGERam2001Found Records - 9
YV1RS61T232260884 VOLVOS602003Found Records - 20
WBADT63432CK25554 BMW530i2002Found Records - 19
1G4CW52K1Y4123894 BUICKPark Avenue2000Found Records - 24
JNKDA31A23T114168 INFINITII352003Found Records - 19
JM1BK12F061457632 MAZDAMazda32006Found Records - 18
1N4BL11D65C214381 NISSANAltima2005Found Records - 16
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2HKRL186X1H503469 HONDAODYSSEY2001Found Records - 22
1G1ND52J22M607969 CHEVROLETMalibu Classic2002Found Records - 31
3GNDA13D17S530491 CHEVROLETHHR2007Found Records - 14
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2C3HC56G21H501310 CHRYSLER2002001Found Records - 5
1J4FA49S56P733822 JEEPWrangler2006Found Records - 15
1G4HP54K2YU107445 BUICKLucerne2000Found Records - 20
1FAFP34P73W167476 FORDFocus2003Found Records - 24
3N1BC11E37L445266 NISSANVERSA2007Found Records - 19
1FDWE35S91HA97432 FORDE-3502001Found Records - 16
KMHHN65F24U118341 HYUNDAIGenesis Coupe2004Found Records - 16
1FAFP34N37W327504 FORDFocus2007Found Records - 16
3N1CB51D72L651186 NISSANSentra2002Found Records - 16
2D8HN44E49R702621 DODGECARAVAN2009Found Records - 11
4T1BG28K8YU619371 TOYOTACAMRY2000Found Records - 20
KMHJF35F2YU997715 HYUNDAITucson2000Found Records - 20
JN1AZ34EX4T051613 NISSAN350Z2004Found Records - 11
1GNDT13S122199294 CHEVROLETTrailblazer2002Found Records - 24
YV1RS53DX12076550 VOLVOS602001Found Records - 16
2T1BR32E45C885129 TOYOTACOROLLA2005Found Records - 17
5UXFE835X7LZ40301 BMWX52007Found Records - 5
3N1CB51D64L893793 NISSANSentra2004Found Records - 22
1HGCG6557YA111605 HONDAACCORD2000Found Records - 12
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3VWPG71K66M789762 VOLKSWAGENJETTA2006Found Records - 24
1FTZR45E09PA42410 FORDRanger2009Found Records - 7
2C4GP44L33R265267 CHRYSLERTown and Country2003Found Records - 20
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4A3AA46G33E048741 MITSUBISHIGalant2003Found Records - 20
1NXBR12E3YZ373711 TOYOTACOROLLA2000Found Records - 12
JTEGF21A730119258 TOYOTAHIGHLANDER2003Found Records - 24
JH2PC35011M207448 HONDACBR600F42001Found Records - 23
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1FMZU74E9YZA93954 FORDExplorer2000Found Records - 21
1YVFP80D935M47113 MAZDAMazda62003Found Records - 12
WVWPD63B04P053619 VOLKSWAGENPASSAT2004Found Records - 19
1GCEK19TX4E401406 CHEVROLETSilverado2004Found Records - 11
1D7HE48N05S331013 DODGEDakota2005Found Records - 5
1FMZU63K74UB78879 FORDExplorer2004Found Records - 32
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1FMZU73E3YZA35808 FORDExplorer2000Found Records - 21
2FMDA52481BB87382 FORDFreestar2001Found Records - 20
1GCEK19V71E107040 CHEVROLETSilverado2001Found Records - 11
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1FMCU0EGXAKC87775 FORDEscape2010Found Records - 26
5N1ED28T13C671860 NISSANXterra2003Found Records - 15
1G1ND52J41M655925 CHEVROLETMalibu Classic2001Found Records - 21
KMHDN45D92U445009 HYUNDAIElantra2002Found Records - 14
1B3EL36X03N517245 DODGECharger2003Found Records - 18
1B4GP44G6YB519608 DODGECARAVAN2000Found Records - 23
2C8GP44G11R162024 CHRYSLERTown and Country2001Found Records - 8
1LNHM81W51Y613058 LINCOLNTown Car2001Found Records - 16
3N1CB51D66L575935 NISSANSentra2006Found Records - 22
JN1CA31D81T623835 NISSANMaxima2001Found Records - 19
1HGEJ8144YL109611 HONDACivic2000Found Records - 17
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1FTRX172X2NB89391 FORDF-1502002Found Records - 22
2T1BR30E95C330146 TOYOTACOROLLA2005Found Records - 11
1B3EL36X04N358812 DODGECharger2004Found Records - 19
1J4GX48S21C502767 JEEPGrand Cherokee2001Found Records - 22
1N6DD26S01C372297 NISSANFrontier2001Found Records - 20
3FAFP31N05R146784 FORDFocus2005Found Records - 25
1J4GW48S94C359081 JEEPGrand Cherokee2004Found Records - 18
WBABD534X6PD99931 BMW330Cic2006Found Records - 22
1B4GP44G4YB806199 DODGECARAVAN2000Found Records - 25
2C4GM48L15R381458 CHRYSLERPacifica2005Found Records - 18
4T1BK36B87U252218 TOYOTAAVALON2007Found Records - 13
1FMYU93143KB46440 FORDEscape2003Found Records - 14
JTDBR32E252052654 TOYOTACOROLLA2005Found Records - 17