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22746 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

2C3CDZFJ9LH184350 DODGECHALLENGER2020Found Records - 12
2C3CDZFJXLH184759 DODGECHALLENGER2020Found Records - 25
1C6SRFLT2LN362546 RAM15002020Found Records - 17
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2HGFC2F82LH544205 HONDACIVIC2020Found Records - 11
2HGFC2F63LH559603 HONDACIVIC2020Found Records - 18
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1GNERJKW0LJ268359 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 25
5UXTY9C04L9D35267 BMWX32020Found Records - 20
5UXTY5C07L9D39497 BMWX32020Found Records - 29
1FTEW1E52LKE13545 FORDF-1502020Found Records - 17
3MW5R1J08L8B41213 BMW3302020Found Records - 7
5UXCR6C04L9D37614 BMWX52020Found Records - 18
3C63RRJL3LG176161 RAM35002020Found Records - 14
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5NMS5CAD1LH245827 HYUNDAISANTA FE2020Found Records - 22
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3FADP4TJ3JM109565 FORDFIESTA2018Found Records - 25
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3GNKBCRS4LS677176 CHEVROLETBLAZER2020Found Records - 21
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1FMCU9H9XLUB60789 FORDESCAPE2020Found Records - 24
2C3CDZFJ2LH184349 DODGECHALLENGER2020Found Records - 20
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1HGCR2F13HA185411 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 11
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1FMCU0HD1KUC29786 FORDESCAPE2019Found Records - 30
3GNKBCR48LS682253 CHEVROLETBLAZER2020Found Records - 12
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1FTWW32FX1EC95477 FordF-350 Super Duty2001Found Records - 23
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3N1CN7APXKL839651 NISSANVERSA2019Found Records - 21
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