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20737 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

5FNRL5H65EB050423 HONDAODYSSEY2014Found Records - 9
5LMJJ2H50CEL07570 LINCOLNNAVIGATOR2012Found Records - 19
KNDCB3LC7J5154823 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 17
KNAGM4AD2D5042591 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 17
5FNRL5H98EB009231 HONDAODYSSEY2014Found Records - 15
5NPE34AFXFH043294 HYUNDAISONATA2015Found Records - 18
5NPE24AF8FH173741 HYUNDAISONATA2015Found Records - 15
5XXGM4A75DG123738 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 21
5XXGM4A79DG154944 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 21
KNAGM4A79D5408282 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 20
19XFB2F59FE109849 HondaCivic2015Found Records - 30
KNMAT2MV0GP617011 NISSANROGUE2016Found Records - 9
JHMZE2H79BS009758 HondaInsight2011Found Records - 29
5XXGR4A66DG154943 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 20
KNAGM4A74D5378723 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 20
5XXGN4A70DG165263 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 16
KNDCB3LC4J5118698 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 31
5XXGN4A76DG256411 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 12
3C6UR5FL8FG623853 Ram25002015Found Records - 19
KNDCB3LC7J5158676 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 27
1GCSGAF4XD1131411 CHEVROLETEXPRESS2013Found Records - 7
1HGCG165X1A007410 HONDAACCORD2001Found Records - 12
1C4RJFCTXFC762420 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2015Found Records - 8
5J6RM4H75FL020606 HONDACR-V2015Found Records - 12
3C6JR6DT2EG187561 RAM15002014Found Records - 19
5TFBV54178X080510 TOYOTATUNDRA2008Found Records - 6
1GC1KVEG0JF165580 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 2500HD2018Found Records - 18
2C4RC1BG8HR688183 CHRYSLERPACIFICA2017Found Records - 20
5XXGN4A7XDG124817 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 20
KNAGM4AD3D5059559 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 28
1C4PJMCB9FW589202 JEEPCHEROKEE2015Found Records - 13
1N4AL2AP6CC166745 NissanAltima2012Found Records - 22
2T1BURHE2EC185599 ToyotaCorolla2014Found Records - 28
1GCVKREC8JZ240465 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002018Found Records - 15
5XXGN4A75DG194788 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 27
KNDCB3LC0J5156123 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 12
1GKKNLLA1HZ283004 GMCAcadia2017Found Records - 7
2C4RC1BG1JR158904 CHRYSLERPACIFICA2018Found Records - 21
KNDCB3LC7J5147239 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 21
5N1AR2MMXGC616490 NISSANPATHFINDER2016Found Records - 19
KNDCB3LC6J5126544 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 19
4T1BG28K9YU951576 ToyotaCamry2000Found Records - 19
KNDCB3LC1J5140271 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 10
KNDCB3LC5J5153993 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 24
1GC1KVEG4JF234416 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 2500HD2018Found Records - 15
KNDCB3LCXJ5154864 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 22
KNDCB3LC1J5154333 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 13
KNDCB3LC9J5146240 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 12
4T1BF3EK5BU141270 ToyotaCamry2011Found Records - 10
KNDCB3LC7J5147483 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 22
2C3CDXJG8JH235432 DODGECHARGER2018Found Records - 14
2C3CDZGG0JH215629 DODGECHALLENGER2018Found Records - 22
2C3CDZGG3JH236703 DODGECHALLENGER2018Found Records - 16
KNDCM3LD4J5138842 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 22
KNDCE3LC0J5133545 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 17
4T1BE46K67U556824 ToyotaCamry2007Found Records - 20
1G6DP577160213287 CadillacCTS2006Found Records - 20
JTJGA31U040003207 LEXUSRX2004Found Records - 12
3GYFNBE33FS521865 CadillacSRX2015Found Records - 20
5XXGN4A70DG223081 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 12
2C4RDGBG3JR169936 DODGEGRAND CARAVAN2018Found Records - 27
2C3CDXGJ9JH237175 DODGECHARGER2018Found Records - 20
5XXGN4A7XDG199792 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 27
5XXGN4A74DG118575 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 25
2C4RDGCG2ER181659 DodgeGrand Caravan2014Found Records - 21
5XXGM4A71DG244329 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 18
5XXGN4A77DG132714 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 14
1FMJK1JTXHEA58088 FORDEXPEDITION EL2017Found Records - 24
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1FM5K8D89JGA97007 FORDEXPLORER2018Found Records - 14
1FMCU9GD1JUB59355 FORDESCAPE2018Found Records - 22
1B4GP44G8YB767410 DodgeGrand Caravan2000Found Records - 12
1C3CDZAB5DN729937 DodgeAvenger2013Found Records - 28
KNDCE3LC0J5124926 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 21
1ZVFT84N275252056 FORDMUSTANG2007Found Records - 13
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1FTBF2B65JEB80729 FORDF-2502018Found Records - 18
1C3CCBBB6CN176531 Chrysler2002012Found Records - 15
1GCHK23D46F181374 ChevroletSilverado 2500HD2006Found Records - 15
KNDCM3LD6J5162463 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 15
2FMPK4J81JBB71193 FORDEDGE2018Found Records - 14
3FA6P0H77JR175280 FORDFUSION2018Found Records - 15
1FTEX1EP0JFB54252 FORDF-1502018Found Records - 13
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1FMCU0GD5JUB07299 FORDESCAPE2018Found Records - 27
1FTEW1EP6JFA70150 FORDF-1502018Found Records - 6
NM0LS7E73J1351838 FORDTRANSIT CONNECT2018Found Records - 20
KNAGM4AD0D5043173 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 14
5XXGM4A72DG159208 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 19
JF2GPAGC6E8347052 SUBARUXV CROSSTREK2014Found Records - 14
2FMPK4J85JBB71195 FORDEDGE2018Found Records - 16
1GTW7AFF3H1904213 GMCSavana Cargo2017Found Records - 10
1C3CDZAB9EN224744 DodgeAvenger2014Found Records - 19
5XXGM4A70DG132752 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 16
KNDCC3LC8J5164354 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 16
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KNDCC3LC2J5161949 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 23
5XXGM4A75DG248884 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 28
KNAGM4AD0D5061527 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 15
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3GKALXEX1JL310709 GMCTERRAIN2018Found Records - 16
3GKALVEV7JL309275 GMCTERRAIN2018Found Records - 23
2C3CDYCJ1EH137315 DodgeChallenger2014Found Records - 16
1GKKNSLS2JZ199248 GMCACADIA2018Found Records - 23
3GKALTEV1JL315206 GMCTERRAIN2018Found Records - 13
3GKALTEV9JL316734 GMCTERRAIN2018Found Records - 20
3GKALTEV8JL309239 GMCTERRAIN2018Found Records - 23
5XXGR4A6XDG194524 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 15
2C3CDXBG5EH243153 DodgeCharger2014Found Records - 12
3GKALVEX6JL305932 GMCTERRAIN2018Found Records - 19
2C3CDYAG9EH277099 DodgeChallenger2014Found Records - 25
KNDCB3LC9J5112010 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 5
KNDCB3LC8J5111964 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 20
1GKKNXLS8JZ199719 GMCACADIA2018Found Records - 26
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KNDCB3LC3J5156908 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 23
KNDCB3LC6J5121330 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 7
1GT02VEG5JZ257617 GMCSIERRA 3500HD2018Found Records - 21
1GKKNULS7JZ201927 GMCACADIA2018Found Records - 19
1GKKNSLS5JZ197932 GMCACADIA2018Found Records - 21
KNDCB3LC5J5156683 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 23
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1GKKNXLS7JZ204585 GMCACADIA2018Found Records - 22
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1GKKNSLS5JZ202238 GMCACADIA2018Found Records - 15
1GKKNULS2JZ204735 GMCACADIA2018Found Records - 19
1FTNW21F02EB86762 FordF-250 Super Duty2002Found Records - 21
KNDCB3LC6J5145353 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 16
1GKKNXLS2JZ202744 GMCACADIA2018Found Records - 17
1GKKNXLSXJZ205021 GMCACADIA2018Found Records - 8
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5XXGM4A72DG191396 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 19
KNDCB3LC3J5157508 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 20
5NMZTDLB4JH055720 HYUNDAISANTA FE2018Found Records - 14
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1GCVKREC0FZ325257 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002015Found Records - 19
KNDCB3LC1J5156843 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 21
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5NPD84LF4JH323540 HYUNDAIELANTRA2018Found Records - 12
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5XXGM4A73DG138321 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 14
5NPE34AB8JH681906 HYUNDAISONATA2018Found Records - 16
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KNDCB3LC5J5164721 KIANIRO2018Found Records - 14
5NPE34AB7JH682609 HYUNDAISONATA2018Found Records - 17
5NPE24AF3JH644901 HYUNDAISONATA2018Found Records - 14
5XXGM4A72DG248728 KIAOPTIMA2013Found Records - 25
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5NPD74LF3JH315612 HYUNDAIELANTRA2018Found Records - 14
KMHH35LEXJU019756 HYUNDAIELANTRA2018Found Records - 27
5NPD84LF9JH249127 HYUNDAIELANTRA2018Found Records - 19
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5NPD84LF6JH313768 HYUNDAIELANTRA2018Found Records - 24
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KMHC65LCXJU072473 HYUNDAIIONIQ2018Found Records - 16
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KMHC75LC7JU071990 HYUNDAIIONIQ2018Found Records - 19
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