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1715 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

1N6AD0EV4FN706328 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 19
1FTEW1CP6JKC68866 FORDF-1502018Found Records - 28
1FM5K7D85JGA35226 FORDEXPLORER2018Found Records - 15
3N1AB7AP3FL670983 NISSANSENTRA2015Found Records - 20
2C4RC1BG8HR777459 ChryslerPacifica2017Found Records - 25
1GYEK63N86R120752 CADILLACESCALADE2006Found Records - 14
1GT121E89DF169536 GMCSierra 2500HD2013Found Records - 23
1FM5K8D81JGA77883 FORDEXPLORER2018Found Records - 26
1FTNR2CM4FKA58695 FordT2502015Found Records - 28
KNDPB3AC8G7876030 KIASPORTAGE2016Found Records - 9
2C4RC1BGXCR136970 ChryslerTown & Country2012Found Records - 22
1C4PJMCB8JD562738 JEEPCHEROKEE2018Found Records - 20
1GCGC23U94F145749 ChevroletSilverado 25002004Found Records - 25
1FMHK7D8XBGA10336 FORDEXPLORER2011Found Records - 12
1GC1KUEG9JF217170 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 25002018Found Records - 15
YV1612FH1D2177760 VOLVOS602013Found Records - 20
1N4AA6AP5HC393591 NISSANMAXIMA2017Found Records - 18
3GYFNCE31ES575900 CadillacSRX2014Found Records - 14
1FM5K8GT2HGC61305 FORDEXPLORER2017Found Records - 9
19UUB3F63JA005683 ACURATLX2018Found Records - 22
1N6AD0ER9FN764759 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 25
NM0LS7E72J1348378 FORDTRANSIT CONNECT2018Found Records - 26
2FMPK3K98JBB72097 FORDEDGE2018Found Records - 18
1FADP3E25JL258951 FORDFOCUS2018Found Records - 23
1N6AD0ER8FN743174 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 15
3GYFNDE30ES582228 CadillacSRX2014Found Records - 14
2GCEK13T251343092 ChevroletSilverado 15002005Found Records - 14
1GC1KUEG0JF216151 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 25002018Found Records - 13
1FAHP2F87DG117522 FORDTAURUS2013Found Records - 16
1N6AD0ER7FN735034 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 12
1C6RR6LTXDS555383 RAM15002013Found Records - 19
1C4AJWAG7HL655783 JEEPWRANGLER2017Found Records - 23
LRBFXDSAXHD216914 BuickEnvision2017Found Records - 20
3GNCJKSB6JL326241 CHEVROLETTRAX2018Found Records - 13
3GNCJKSB6JL321346 CHEVROLETTRAX2018Found Records - 14
JN8AZ2NC2D9330723 INFINITIQX562013Found Records - 12
1G4HP57278U150724 BuickLucerne2008Found Records - 13
3C6UR5CL9JG102895 RAM25002018Found Records - 24
1FADP3M20JL285900 FORDFOCUS2018Found Records - 14
1FA6P8CF8J5144541 FORDMUSTANG2018Found Records - 14
JTMBFREV6JJ208511 TOYOTARAV42018Found Records - 15
1C6RR7UT2ES194379 Ram15002014Found Records - 23
1HGCV2F92JA030971 HONDAACCORD2018Found Records - 17
1G1BE5SM0G7313177 CHEVROLETCRUZE2016Found Records - 18
3D7TT2CT7BG598131 DODGERAM 25002011Found Records - 13
5NPE34AF8JH676742 HYUNDAISONATA2018Found Records - 19
5GAER23768J107237 BUICKENCLAVE2008Found Records - 19
1N6AD0EV3FN716462 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 18
1N6AD0EVXFN712912 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 14
1GTG6CE3XF1243271 GMCCanyon2015Found Records - 13
1N6AD0EV0FN701028 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 11
3MZBN1V70HM136592 MAZDAMAZDA32017Found Records - 22
1N6AD0CWXFN764570 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 16
1HGCR2F88FA107569 HONDAACCORD2015Found Records - 27
5NPE34AF1JH645624 HYUNDAISONATA2018Found Records - 17
1FADP3F28JL276522 FORDFOCUS2018Found Records - 15
1FADP3L9XJL285899 FORDFOCUS ST2018Found Records - 31
1N6AD0EV0FN742081 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 11
JN8AS5MV0AW115038 NISSANROGUE2010Found Records - 16
1N6AD0EV4FN727101 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 9
1C4PJMDN8KD152841 JEEPCHEROKEE2019Found Records - 15
1N6AD0ER2FN727472 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 20
1N6AD0FV9FN726024 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 12
1N6AD0ER7FN747751 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 20
19UUA9F22AA003474 ACURATL2010Found Records - 18
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JTMBFREV2JD233548 TOYOTARAV42018Found Records - 20
1N6AD0CW7FN716475 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 22
1GNFC13J17R404059 ChevroletTahoe2007Found Records - 18
2CTFLJEY9A6253966 GMCTerrain2010Found Records - 24
1N4AL3AP1GC277697 NISSANALTIMA2016Found Records - 29
1GYFK66817R265398 CadillacEscalade ESV2007Found Records - 25
3D7KS26CX6G246662 DodgeRam 25002006Found Records - 20
1N6AD0ER6FN752505 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 12
7FARW1H82JE023549 HONDACR-V2018Found Records - 21
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1C4PJLLB4KD143586 JEEPCHEROKEE2019Found Records - 22
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1C4PJLLB7KD111215 JEEPCHEROKEE2019Found Records - 9
KM8JUCAG1FU027159 HYUNDAITUCSON2015Found Records - 22
1C4PJLLB4KD128781 JEEPCHEROKEE2019Found Records - 24
1FTEW1CP4FKD66785 FORDF-1502015Found Records - 26
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1C4PJLCB6KD114591 JEEPCHEROKEE2019Found Records - 19
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1C4PJLLB5KD111214 JEEPCHEROKEE2019Found Records - 8
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2C3CDZH99JH101886 DODGECHALLENGER2018Found Records - 23
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1C6RR6LT1JS239902 RAM15002018Found Records - 20
1N6BD0CT3FN732229 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 15
1N6BD0CT2FN708214 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 15
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5NPE34AFXFH137496 HyundaiSonata2015Found Records - 26
3D7UT2CL2BG583203 RAM25002011Found Records - 8
5XYZU3LA7DG013961 HYUNDAISANTA FE2013Found Records - 19
1FAHP3F24CL457363 FORDFOCUS2012Found Records - 19
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5NPE24AF9HH489300 HyundaiSonata2017Found Records - 12
1N6AD0EV7FN709594 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 27
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1N6AD0EV6FN737595 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 26
1N6AD0EV2FN748321 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 14
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1N6AD0EV2FN749517 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 22
JTEBU5JR6B5045209 TOYOTA4RUNNER2011Found Records - 16
1N6AD0EVXFN716118 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 16
1C4RDJAG4JC341303 DODGEDURANGO2018Found Records - 7
1N6AD0EV1FN716539 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 23
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1FTEW1EG9JFC28271 FORDF-1502018Found Records - 18
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1HGCR3F82DA012718 HONDAACCORD2013Found Records - 18
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1N6AD0EV6FN730999 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 27
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1N6AD0FR2FN724571 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 17
1N6AD0EV5FN704653 NISSANFRONTIER2015Found Records - 18
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3C6UR5CL8JG190872 RAM25002018Found Records - 17
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1N6AD0EVXGN748133 NISSANFRONTIER2016Found Records - 15
1GKKVPKD4FJ248679 GMCACADIA2015Found Records - 30
3C4PDDBG2HT574523 DodgeJourney2017Found Records - 14
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5NPDH4AE5FH563925 HyundaiElantra2015Found Records - 19
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1C4PJLLB7KD143582 JEEPCHEROKEE2019Found Records - 18
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1C6RR7LT9JS242777 RAM15002018Found Records - 23
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1N6AD0EV5GN793688 NISSANFRONTIER2016Found Records - 25
1N6AD0EV4GN798736 NISSANFRONTIER2016Found Records - 24
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1C6RR7LG3FS578144 Ram15002015Found Records - 17
KMHDH4AEXFU222196 HyundaiElantra2015Found Records - 18
1N6AD0FV1GN723149 NISSANFRONTIER2016Found Records - 17
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