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16002 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

JN8AF5MV5DT223553 NISSANJUKE2013Found Records - 16
3KPFK4A79HE124441 KiaForte2017Found Records - 13
4T1BF1FK0HU444615 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 16
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4T1BF1FK9HU761857 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 21
4T1BF1FK3HU431096 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 16
JTMBD31V275102325 TOYOTARAV42007Found Records - 12
2GNFLFEK3F6234221 CHEVROLETEQUINOX2015Found Records - 9
JTDKB20U563134513 TOYOTAPRIUS2006Found Records - 13
2C4RC1GG6ER453219 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2014Found Records - 15
4T1BF1FK5HU679799 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 34
4T1BF1FK1HU342014 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 7
1FM5K8D8XFGB63488 FORDEXPLORER2015Found Records - 23
1FMEU73E87UA71889 FordExplorer2007Found Records - 26
2T2ZK1BA2FC168584 LEXUSRX2015Found Records - 25
3C4PDDBG4HT535285 DODGEJOURNEY2017Found Records - 20
3FA6P0HD4FR114918 FORDFUSION2015Found Records - 22
4T1BF1FK1HU794075 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 16
4T1BF1FK5HU394472 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 17
4T1BF1FK4HU685853 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 21
3KPFK4A75HE045686 KiaForte2017Found Records - 25
4T1BF1FK1HU773307 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 13
1FTYR2XMXGKB14714 FORDTRANSIT2016Found Records - 16
1C4BJWEGXFL685906 JEEPWRANGLER2015Found Records - 20
4T1BF1FK8HU801006 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 7
4T1BF1FK5HU442150 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 8
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4T1BF1FK3HU745007 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 12
JM1BM1M31F1275029 MAZDAMAZDA32015Found Records - 16
JN1BY1PR6GM721280 INFINITIQ702016Found Records - 11
JF2GPAGC9E8319861 SubaruXV Crosstrek2014Found Records - 24
2G61R5S30E9166369 CADILLACXTS2014Found Records - 24
2HKRM4H75EH683554 HONDACR-V2014Found Records - 17
4T1BF1FKXHU803453 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 15
4T1BF1FK3HU790285 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 15
4T1BF1FK6HU634287 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 21
3KPFK4A75HE077764 KiaForte2017Found Records - 24
4T1BF1FK0HU446686 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 26
4T1BF1FKXHU803131 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 8
KNALN4D72G5217492 KIACADENZA2016Found Records - 22
1FMCU0G73FUB54462 FORDESCAPE2015Found Records - 16
4T1BF1FK1HU430531 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 9
2T1BURHE7FC261366 TOYOTACOROLLA2015Found Records - 16
4T1BF1FK7HU365894 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 26
4T1BF1FKXHU772012 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 5
4T1BF1FK7HU285902 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 16
4T1BF1FK2HU758167 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 22
1GKEK63R1YR194787 GMCYUKON2000Found Records - 26
KNAFK4A63G5609365 KIAFORTE2016Found Records - 23
3FA6P0HD7ER348081 FORDFUSION2014Found Records - 17
3GYFNDE33ES580134 CADILLACSRX2014Found Records - 8
1C6RR7NT2ES315765 RAM15002014Found Records - 23
JN8AE2KP6E9101739 NISSANQUEST2014Found Records - 20
3C4PDCBB2ET280551 DODGEJOURNEY2014Found Records - 11
1D4GP24RX7B199476 DODGEGRAND CARAVAN2007Found Records - 26
1G1PC5SB9F7256714 CHEVROLETCRUZE2015Found Records - 18
3N1CN7AP1FL872804 NissanVersa2015Found Records - 14
3KPFK4A79HE064709 KiaForte2017Found Records - 20
3KPFK4A71HE054806 KiaForte2017Found Records - 18
4T1BF1FK7HU411028 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 11
1FM5K8D87FGB84430 FORDEXPLORER2015Found Records - 11
4T1BF1FK0HU702793 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 21
4S3BMCG67A3236864 SUBARULEGACY2010Found Records - 24
3FA6P0H75GR182527 FORDFUSION2016Found Records - 16
1FMJU2A5XEEF32456 FORDEXPEDITION2014Found Records - 17
4T1BF1FK1HU320501 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 6
4T1BF1FK2HU620774 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 18
3FA6P0H75FR272596 FORDFUSION2015Found Records - 22
1C4HJWEG8DL609205 JEEPWRANGLER2013Found Records - 16
1G6AX5SX7E0176433 CADILLACCTS2014Found Records - 16
1FTPW14V57FA76071 FordF-1502007Found Records - 14
3KPFL4A72HE076326 KiaForte2017Found Records - 17
4T1BF1FK0HU433582 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 18
4T1BF1FK7HU799006 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 15
1C3CCCBG4FN532769 CHRYSLER2002015Found Records - 24
1FTFX1EF0DFA13598 FORDF-1502013Found Records - 25
4T4BF1FK3DR326221 TOYOTACAMRY2013Found Records - 11
3MZBN1V76HM124947 MAZDAMAZDA32017Found Records - 24
4T1BF1FKXHU786668 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 26
KNDPB3A23D7539199 KIASPORTAGE2013Found Records - 28
4T1BF1FK7HU808125 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 16
4T1BF1FK3HU800409 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 13
KMHDH4AE2EU165474 HYUNDAIELANTRA2014Found Records - 20
5TFLU4ENXDX070115 TOYOTATACOMA2013Found Records - 7
1C4PJLCB9HW516442 JEEPCHEROKEE2017Found Records - 16
KNDPMCAC3H7296860 KiaSportage2017Found Records - 20
4T1BF1FK2HU784865 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 23
4T1BF1FK5HU813470 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 14
4T1BF1FK2HU741479 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 21
4T1BF1FK3HU814729 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 22
3VWD17AJXEM289744 VOLKSWAGENJETTA2014Found Records - 24
4T1BF1FK6HU802011 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 5
1G6DT57V380140663 CADILLACCTS2008Found Records - 15
WAULFAFR8EA001161 AUDIA52014Found Records - 9
4T1BF1FK7HU807735 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 22
2C4RC1BG8GR298263 CHRYSLERTOWN & COUNTRY2016Found Records - 19
1HGCR2F35DA095043 HONDAACCORD2013Found Records - 12
JN1BZ34D98M706713 NISSANZ2008Found Records - 17
2G4GN5EX8E9295408 BUICKREGAL2014Found Records - 17
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KNDPMCAC9H7282798 KiaSportage2017Found Records - 26
KNDPMCAC7H7282573 KiaSportage2017Found Records - 17
5XYPKDA52HG321702 KiaSorento2017Found Records - 10
4T1BF1FK4HU766562 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 19
4T1BF1FK8HU768637 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 24
KNDPMCAC9H7298676 KiaSportage2017Found Records - 27
KNDPMCAC8H7219630 KiaSportage2017Found Records - 18
KNDPMCAC4H7298889 KiaSportage2017Found Records - 33
KNDPMCAC3H7259758 KiaSportage2017Found Records - 29
4T1BF1FK6HU365837 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 23
4T1BF1FK5HU619781 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 25
KNDMB5C19H6339720 KiaSedona2017Found Records - 18
4T1BF1FK8HU439405 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 18
1FTRW12WX7KC60191 FordF-Series2007Found Records - 11
4T1BF1FK2HU415519 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 20
4T1BF1FK7HU731658 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 20
1FMPU16555LA33413 FordExpedition2005Found Records - 11
4T1BF1FK2HU376348 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 21
4T1BF1FK9HU438621 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 17
4T1BF1FK9HU813665 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 20
4T1BF1FK6HU433604 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 13
4T1BF1FK4HU792336 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 14
4T1BF1FK4HU409401 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 14
1GC1KXC86DF199731 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 25002013Found Records - 20
4T1BF1FK9HU777315 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 16
4T1BF1FK8HU407277 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 23
4T1BF1FK0HU703832 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 16
4T1BF1FK5HU407804 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 19
4T1BF1FK1HU674342 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 13
4T1BF1FK0HU306198 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 24
4T1BF1FK0HU624712 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 14
4T1BF1FK8HU676735 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 21
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4T1BF1FK7HU740750 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 12
KNDJN2A28H7465968 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 28
KNDJN2A28H7484732 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 16
2C4RDGBG2FR599268 DodgeGrand Caravan2015Found Records - 25
KNDJP3A58H7477595 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 26
4T1BF1FK4HU678658 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 27
4T1BF1FK3HU698237 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 20
1FTRX12W47NA41013 FordF-Series2007Found Records - 5
4T1BF1FKXHU307469 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 26
KNDJN2A29H7481290 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 12
KNDJN2A25H7465555 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 20
KNDJP3A50H7480507 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 12
KNDJN2A23H7463769 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 25
KNDJN2A24H7485280 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 15
4T1BF1FK4HU739426 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 21
5TDBT48A24S218870 ToyotaSequoia2004Found Records - 23
4T1BF1FK1HU636819 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 24
JF2SJAAC2FH810441 SUBARUFORESTER2015Found Records - 9
4T1BF1FK0HU277060 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 13
KNDJN2A27H7479800 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 17
KNDJN2A27H7458090 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 17
KNDJN2A27H7480669 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 21
KNDJN2A29H7470788 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 23
19XFA1F53BE016767 HondaCivic2011Found Records - 26
4T1BF1FK0HU679192 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 21
KNDJN2A28H7458759 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 29
KNDJN2A21H7469828 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 27
4T1BF1FK8HU322584 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 19
4T1BF1FK2HU285192 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 17
1FTRF12287KC68142 FordF-Series2007Found Records - 15
4T1BF1FK7HU269926 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 26
1FTRX12W47FB11944 FordF-Series2007Found Records - 18
JTHBJ46G072000921 LexusES 3502007Found Records - 12
KNDJN2A27H7471275 KiaSoul2017Found Records - 15
4T1BF1FK5HU331193 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 14
4T1BF1FK1HU622368 TOYOTACAMRY2017Found Records - 19
2C4RDGBG8FR557722 DODGEGRAND CARAVAN2015Found Records - 18
5TFNX4CN0EX033336 ToyotaTacoma2014Found Records - 15