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15999 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

5TFHY5F12EX338541 ToyotaTundra2014Found Records - 18
JTJBC1BA4D2448082 LexusRX 450h2013Found Records - 18
4T1BF1FK3GU576010 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 7
4T1BF1FK5GU567826 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 23
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4T1BF1FK8GU577945 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 25
JH4KB165X8C001872 AcuraRL2008Found Records - 18
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4T1BF1FK2GU567444 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 19
5TDZARFH1HS031627 TOYOTAHIGHLANDER2017Found Records - 16
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1GNSKBKC4FR535155 ChevroletTahoe2015Found Records - 16
4T1BF1FKXGU157152 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 15
JTMZFREV3HJ148485 TOYOTARAV42017Found Records - 25
JA32W8FV9EU023803 MitsubishiEvolution2014Found Records - 14
1HGCP26448A145029 HondaAccord2008Found Records - 16
5TFSZ5AN1HX107647 TOYOTATACOMA2017Found Records - 24
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4T1BF1FK7GU556374 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 20
5TFDW5F15HX677013 TOYOTATUNDRA2017Found Records - 11
5YFBURHE7FP229906 ToyotaCorolla2015Found Records - 24
JTDKDTB35E1072058 ToyotaPrius c2014Found Records - 15
5TFAX5GN2HX097624 TOYOTATACOMA2017Found Records - 19
5TDZK23C28S176026 ToyotaSienna2008Found Records - 14
4T1BF1FK8GU175780 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 20
3GCUKREC8HG210405 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002017Found Records - 9
1C4RJFAG0FC710896 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2015Found Records - 23
4T1BF1FK6GU586403 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 13
ZACCJBBB7HPE72660 JEEPRENEGADE2017Found Records - 14
4T1BF1FKXGU141615 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 13
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4T1BF1FK3GU576816 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 21
4T1BF1FK1EU846509 ToyotaCamry2014Found Records - 20
19XFB2F57EE244116 HondaCivic2014Found Records - 12
1FTFW1ET6EFC43186 FordF-1502014Found Records - 18
1FADP3F29HL301695 FORDFOCUS2017Found Records - 21
4T1BF1FK8GU156257 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 20
4T1BF1FK7GU511743 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 15
1FT8W3BT0HEE26733 FORDF-3502017Found Records - 19
3GYFNEE36ES643989 CadillacSRX2014Found Records - 29
4T1BF1FK7GU172353 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 13
4T1BF1FK5GU193914 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 17
4T1BF1FK1GU542258 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 17
4T1BF1FK8GU507863 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 24
4T1BF1FK1GU233082 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 13
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4T1BF1FK8GU151737 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 18
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4T4BF1FK8GR536804 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 18
2GKFLZE35E6212551 GMCTerrain2014Found Records - 13
2C3CCAKG2EH253087 Chrysler3002014Found Records - 18
4S4BSALC0F3270508 SUBARUOUTBACK2015Found Records - 13
5J6RM4H76EL112967 HondaCR-V2014Found Records - 24
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4T1BF1FK1GU232708 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 17
4T1BD1FK0GU197178 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 23
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JTNKARJE1HJ552077 TOYOTACOROLLA IM2017Found Records - 16
5XXGT4L35GG052543 KiaOptima2016Found Records - 14
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JTNB11HK5J3021049 TOYOTACAMRY2018Found Records - 14
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1C4PJMBB2JD515979 JEEPCHEROKEE2018Found Records - 30
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4T4BF1FK7GR573391 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 16
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3C4NJDBB0JT113556 JEEPCOMPASS2018Found Records - 19
1N4BL11D65C113549 NissanAltima2005Found Records - 21
3N1BC1AP6AL456433 NissanVersa2010Found Records - 16
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1C4PJMLB7JD502448 JEEPCHEROKEE2018Found Records - 18
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4S4BSANC1J3209934 SUBARUOUTBACK2018Found Records - 25
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4T1BF1FK0GU548861 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 23
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1C4PJMLB7JD502451 JEEPCHEROKEE2018Found Records - 12
2CNDL63F956081912 ChevroletEquinox2005Found Records - 13
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1C4PJMLB5JD502450 JEEPCHEROKEE2018Found Records - 11
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4T1BK1FK7GU573901 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 13
4T1BF1FK7GU532754 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 18
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4T1BF1FK2GU533715 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 16
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1C4PJMDX4JD530332 JEEPCHEROKEE2018Found Records - 8
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1C4RJFBG6HC793106 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2017Found Records - 10
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3FA6P0HR6DR122608 FORDFUSION2013Found Records - 16
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4T1BF1FK0GU567152 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 15
4T1BF1FK2GU525940 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 18
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5TDZA22C16S575589 ToyotaSienna2006Found Records - 27
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4T1BF1FK0GU583397 TOYOTACAMRY2016Found Records - 22
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