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14899 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

19XFC1F9XHE000569 HondaCivic2017Found Records - 20
1G4GC5ED5BF288169 BUICKLACROSSE2011Found Records - 24
2C3CDZBT1FH764770 DODGECHALLENGER R2015Found Records - 18
JM1BL1U77D1836806 MAZDAMAZDA32013Found Records - 20
1GTV2MEC4GZ342244 GMCSIERRA 15002016Found Records - 12
5XYPG4A37HG262047 KIASORENTO LX2017Found Records - 13
3GYFNAE30CS653259 CadillacSRX2012Found Records - 19
W04GN5EC4B1005130 BuickRegal2011Found Records - 9
1GBGC34R0YF490131 CHEVROLETC35002000Found Records - 5
5N1DL0MN8HC507880 INFINITIQX602017Found Records - 23
1FMCU031X7KA90788 FordEscape2007Found Records - 23
1HGCR2F83HA044626 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 18
1G6DC1E35C0158875 CadillacCTS2012Found Records - 28
1G6DC5E51C0156663 CadillacCTS2012Found Records - 21
2D4GP44L66R839576 DODGEGRAND CARAVAN SXT2006Found Records - 27
2G1WK151569323236 CHEVROLETMONTE CARL2006Found Records - 14
1GKKRPEDXCJ375934 GMCAcadia2012Found Records - 21
3D7HA18N62G195936 DodgeRam 15002002Found Records - 23
3A4FY58B96T250574 CHRYSLERPT CRUISER2006Found Records - 16
1HGCR2F82HA064589 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 26
1HGCR2F31HA069397 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 28
1G4GC5EC3BF311813 BUICKLACROSSE C2011Found Records - 13
1G1ZB5E16BF261349 CHEVROLETMALIBU2011Found Records - 17
1HGCR2F83HA076119 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 17
1HGCR2F33HA047062 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 15
1FMYU03177KA93346 FORDESCAPE XLT2007Found Records - 16
1C4RJFCG8EC393106 JeepGrand Cherokee2014Found Records - 10
5J6RE485X8L027842 HONDACR-V2008Found Records - 21
1HGCR2F82HA075902 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 16
WBA8E1G57GNT33530 BMW3 SERIES2016Found Records - 11
1HGCR3F89HA013113 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 8
WBA5B1C52GG134780 BMW5 SERIES2016Found Records - 19
1GNKREEDXCJ355884 ChevroletTraverse2012Found Records - 25
1GNKRFED8CJ390090 ChevroletTraverse2012Found Records - 9
1HGCR2F85HA080754 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 16
1HGCR2F73HA082235 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 12
1HGCR2F79HA083566 HondaAccord2017Found Records - 20
2GKALWEK3C6135692 GMCTERRAIN2012Found Records - 22
5FPYK3F69HB012193 HondaRidgeline2017Found Records - 15
1FTRW08L62KB51145 FORDF1502002Found Records - 11
1G1RA6E47DU105290 ChevroletVolt2013Found Records - 16
1G1PC5SHXB7252606 ChevroletCruze2011Found Records - 14
1C3CCBCG1CN221627 Chrysler2002012Found Records - 16
5FPYK3F54HB014571 HondaRidgeline2017Found Records - 17
4T1BF1FK8FU084572 TOYOTACAMRY SE2015Found Records - 18
1G1AP15P077275387 ChevroletCobalt2007Found Records - 23
1D7HU18N93S293554 DodgeRam 15002003Found Records - 17
2HGFC1F96GH657552 HONDACIVIC TOURING2016Found Records - 19
1G1AL55F677148864 ChevroletCobalt2007Found Records - 26
3CZRU6H51HM702457 HondaHR-V2017Found Records - 18
1G1PC5SHXC7155780 ChevroletCruze2012Found Records - 20
3GYFNAE36CS623716 CadillacSRX2012Found Records - 17
4A3AK24F17E027145 MitsubishiEclipse2007Found Records - 17
JM1BL1TF4D1801228 MAZDAMAZDA32013Found Records - 13
2HKRM4H72GH663703 HONDACR-V EXL2016Found Records - 13
KNDMG4C77C6420451 KIASEDONA2012Found Records - 10
3KPFK4A70HE011851 KiaForte2017Found Records - 15
1G1PC5SH1B7274932 ChevroletCruze2011Found Records - 18
1GNKREED6CJ374528 ChevroletTraverse2012Found Records - 19
WA1BFCFSXGR018250 AUDIQ3 PREMIUM2016Found Records - 15
2HGFC2F78GH571938 HONDACIVIC EX2016Found Records - 21
W04GN5EC0B1098728 BuickRegal2011Found Records - 25
1FTRF12277KC83540 FORDF1502007Found Records - 12
1G4PS5SK2C4211889 BuickVerano2012Found Records - 26
1GCGTCE30G1379404 CHEVROLETCOLORADO LT2016Found Records - 17
5TFJU4GN8DX047470 TOYOTATACOMA2013Found Records - 18
4F4YR12D22TM12556 MAZDAB23002002Found Records - 18
1G1PF5S90B7306401 CHEVROLETCRUZE2011Found Records - 11
1HGCR2F98HA078764 HONDAACCORD EXL2017Found Records - 25
1GNKRFED4CJ393214 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2012Found Records - 10
4T1BE32KX2U031614 ToyotaCamry2002Found Records - 12
1N4AL21E38N401287 NISSANALTIMA 22008Found Records - 18
1G1PF5S94B7213767 CHEVROLETCRUZE2011Found Records - 23
1G1ZB5E03CF297914 ChevroletMalibu2012Found Records - 21
1G1RD6E46CU102810 ChevroletVolt2012Found Records - 11
1N4AL21E38C238555 NISSANALTIMA2008Found Records - 23
WBAHN83596DT27635 BMW750LI2006Found Records - 21
2T2BZMCA6GC050116 LEXUSRX 3502016Found Records - 8
5XYPGDA33HG248498 KiaSorento2017Found Records - 29
1GNKRFED2CJ276974 ChevroletTraverse2012Found Records - 26
1G1PC5SH0B7202572 ChevroletCruze2011Found Records - 16
JM1GJ1V52G1482769 MAZDAMAZDA62016Found Records - 24
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JM1BL1U79D1795594 MAZDAMAZDA32013Found Records - 23
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2FTRF17W14CA26823 FORDLGT CONVTNL2004Found Records - 19
5GAER23728J300243 BuickEnclave2008Found Records - 9
KNDPMCAC6H7141316 KiaSportage2017Found Records - 11
1GTEC19C17Z558803 GMCSIERRA C152007Found Records - 19
1GCRKSE38BZ427232 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002011Found Records - 14
1C4RJFAGXDC532783 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2013Found Records - 20
3VW217AUXHM012243 VOLKSWAGENGOLF2017Found Records - 11
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3C4PDCBG0CT288351 DodgeJourney2012Found Records - 17
1G11F5RR2DF111498 ChevroletMalibu2013Found Records - 22
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3N1AB7AP7GY250180 NISSANSENTRA SR2016Found Records - 9
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1G1ZB5E08CF290408 CHEVROLETMALIBU2012Found Records - 12
2G1WX15K229248743 ChevroletMonte Carlo2002Found Records - 22
3N1AB7AP0GY295896 NISSANSENTRA SL2016Found Records - 28
3N1AB7AP7GY257954 NISSANSENTRA SR2016Found Records - 25
5N1AR2MM1GC648146 NISSANPATHFINDER SV2016Found Records - 19
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1GNKREEDXCJ186093 ChevroletTraverse2012Found Records - 18
3GYFNAE34CS593440 CADILLACSRX2012Found Records - 11
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1N4AL3AP2HC140219 NissanAltima2017Found Records - 12
1G6DC5E50C0145931 CADILLACCTS2012Found Records - 18
1G11D5SR1DF124209 CHEVROLETMALIBU2013Found Records - 15
JN8AY2NC1H9501437 NissanArmada2017Found Records - 15
1N6AD0EV3GN900933 NISSANFRONTIER SV2016Found Records - 15
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JN8AF5MV1GT650684 NISSANJUKE SV2016Found Records - 18
3FAHP07Z77R153414 FORDFUSION2007Found Records - 12
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2G4GR5EK7C9151144 BUICKREGAL2012Found Records - 10
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1N4AL3AP4GC282490 NISSANALTIMA S2016Found Records - 15
2CNALFEC9B6442623 CHEVROLETEQUINOX2011Found Records - 13
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5N1DR2MM8HC612890 NissanPathfinder2017Found Records - 19
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5N1AT2MV7HC730183 NissanRogue2017Found Records - 12
1G1PF5SC2C7208712 ChevroletCruze2012Found Records - 18
5GAKRBED8CJ390593 BuickEnclave2012Found Records - 17
2CNDL63F666030644 CHEVROLETEQUINOX LT2006Found Records - 14
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3C4PDDBG9ET143592 DodgeJourney2014Found Records - 19
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1N4BL3AP5GC234047 NISSANALTIMA SR2016Found Records - 15
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1G1PF5SC1C7287404 CHEVROLETCRUZE2012Found Records - 15
3D4PG1FG1BT552636 DodgeJourney2011Found Records - 17
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1G1YY12S125128228 CHEVROLETCORVETTE2002Found Records - 20
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1N4AL3AP6GC293331 NISSANALTIMA SV2016Found Records - 10
1FMZU75W24UA70868 FORDEXPLORER2004Found Records - 22
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