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13201 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

1J4GL48K77W661335 JEEPLIBERTY2007Found Records - 12
1GTW7AFFXH1218539 GMCSavana Cargo2017Found Records - 25
1GCFG15X991140606 CHEVROLETEXPRESS G12009Found Records - 12
2FABP7EV2BX154429 FORDCROWN VICTORIA2011Found Records - 19
1GTW7AFF4H1219007 GMCSavana Cargo2017Found Records - 16
5TDBZRFH9HS409347 TOYOTAHIGHLANDER2017Found Records - 23
1GTG6BE34F1189119 GMCCanyon2015Found Records - 20
3FADP4EE5HM118343 FORDFIESTA2017Found Records - 18
1GNSKJE33BR265769 CHEVROLETSUBURBAN2011Found Records - 27
1J4FF28B39D112771 JEEPPATRIOT2009Found Records - 17
5FNYF4H20FB030964 HondaPilot2015Found Records - 19
5FNYF4H50FB046351 HondaPilot2015Found Records - 15
1GCFG15X691181596 ChevroletG15002009Found Records - 21
1GNSKJE34BR374967 CHEVROLETSUBURBAN2011Found Records - 26
1FMCU9G96HUD63459 FORDESCAPE2017Found Records - 21
1GCFG15X691155483 ChevroletG15002009Found Records - 20
1FM5K8HT0HGC74181 FORDEXPLORER2017Found Records - 14
5FNYF4H21FB012800 HondaPilot2015Found Records - 10
1FMYU93Z65KE09813 FORDESCAPE2005Found Records - 21
1GT121C88BF166899 GMCSierra 2500HD2011Found Records - 32
3FADP4EJ5HM116752 FORDFIESTA2017Found Records - 20
1C4PJMCB2FW749226 JeepCherokee2015Found Records - 19
1C4RJFBG1FC604455 JeepGrand Cherokee2015Found Records - 18
5XYZGDAB6BG015707 HYUNDAISANTA FE2011Found Records - 19
1FMCU9J95HUD63462 FORDESCAPE2017Found Records - 15
1N4AL3AP8FC443311 NissanAltima2015Found Records - 8
3N1CE2CP6FL408553 NissanVersa Note2015Found Records - 21
1FM5K8D8XHGC74173 FORDEXPLORER2017Found Records - 15
1GNDS13S922459928 CHEVROLETTRAILBLAZER2002Found Records - 28
1GCGG25C781137600 ChevroletExpress G25002008Found Records - 13
1GTGG25C691150839 GMCSavana2009Found Records - 20
5XYKTDA22CG236073 KiaSorento2012Found Records - 16
JN8AS5MV2FW761639 NissanRogue Select2015Found Records - 19
1FM5K8D8XHGC59303 FORDEXPLORER2017Found Records - 15
5NPET46C49H529084 HyundaiSonata2009Found Records - 21
1GB3G2CL9F1280146 ChevroletExpress Cutaway2015Found Records - 11
1FM5K8D85HGC74176 FORDEXPLORER2017Found Records - 18
1J4NT1FB1BD290878 JeepCompass2011Found Records - 23
JTDBU4EE8B9141843 ToyotaCorolla2011Found Records - 16
1GNDT13S252137746 CHEVROLETTRAILBLAZER2005Found Records - 24
5XYKT3A11CG297027 KiaSorento2012Found Records - 16
1GNDS13SX52215872 CHEVROLETTRAILBLAZER2005Found Records - 22
1GNDT13S552279895 CHEVROLETTRAILBLAZER2005Found Records - 31
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5NPDH4AE1BH008142 HYUNDAIELANTRA2011Found Records - 15
1GNDS13S852116399 CHEVROLETTRAILBLAZER2005Found Records - 27
1G1ZT54815F209384 ChevroletMalibu2005Found Records - 24
JA4AP4AU5BZ005132 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2011Found Records - 11
4A4AP3AU1FE062451 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2015Found Records - 12
5TENX22N17Z327751 TOYOTATACOMA2007Found Records - 20
1G1ZT54805F209604 CHEVROLETMALIBU LS2005Found Records - 19
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5TENX22N08Z527117 TOYOTATACOMA2008Found Records - 16
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1G1ZT54875F208515 CHEVROLETMALIBU2005Found Records - 19
1G1ZT54815F209031 ChevroletMalibu2005Found Records - 13
1GNDT13S372147768 CHEVROLETTRAILBLAZER2007Found Records - 28
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4A4AP3AU3FE048275 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2015Found Records - 22
4A4AP4AU7FE029265 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2015Found Records - 22
2G1105S39H9136341 CHEVROLETIMPALA2017Found Records - 14
1FMCU0EG0CKA24505 FordEscape2012Found Records - 14
4A4AR4AU3EE010494 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2014Found Records - 17
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4A4AR3AU4DE020928 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2013Found Records - 19
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3GCRKSEA9AG213959 ChevroletSilverado 15002010Found Records - 26
1FAHP3K2XCL136286 FordFOCUS2012Found Records - 22
4A4AP3AU0FE012656 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2015Found Records - 19
3FAHP0JA6CR126315 FordFusion2012Found Records - 15
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4A4AP3AW7FE031819 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2015Found Records - 19
1GNSCGKC2GR398874 CHEVROLETSUBURBAN2016Found Records - 27
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1GNSCGKC8GR467583 CHEVROLETSUBURBAN2016Found Records - 23
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1GNSCHKC2GR470212 CHEVROLETSUBURBAN2016Found Records - 5
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4A4AP4AU3EE015538 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2014Found Records - 21
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1GNSCJE01CR198965 CHEVROLETC15002012Found Records - 28
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1G4GD5E34CF261955 BuickLaCrosse2012Found Records - 20
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5GAKVCED0CJ175744 BuickEnclave2012Found Records - 20
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1G4GD5E35CF132042 BuickLaCrosse2012Found Records - 8
1G1ZA5E00CF139937 ChevroletMalibu2012Found Records - 28
2G1WG5E32C1103833 ChevroletImpala2012Found Records - 17
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1G4GJ5E3XCF122311 BuickLaCrosse2012Found Records - 7
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2G1WG5E37C1101673 ChevroletImpala2012Found Records - 17
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