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11605 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

KMHDU46D89U807259 HYUNDAIELANTRA2009Found Records - 23
1FMCU0JX5EUA96233 FORDESCAPE2014Found Records - 14
3GCPKSE71CG266458 ChevroletSilverado 15002012Found Records - 23
JM1BPBNM0L1172703 MAZDAMAZDA32020Found Records - 12
JM1BPBMM4L1168526 MAZDAMAZDA32020Found Records - 21
2GNAXPEX1K6305149 ChevroletEquinox2019Found Records - 19
JM1BPBCM4L1170939 MAZDAMAZDA32020Found Records - 21
JM1BPBEM1L1172192 MAZDAMAZDA32020Found Records - 14
1G1FZ6S00L4126588 CHEVROLETBOLT EV2020Found Records - 27
1FADP5BU7DL521236 FordC-MAX2013Found Records - 12
2T1BURHE1HC874649 TOYOTACOROLLA2017Found Records - 23
1FMSK8DH7LGC27016 FORDEXPLORER2020Found Records - 14
1FTEX1EP9LFC21577 FORDF-1502020Found Records - 20
3CZRU5H10LM712980 HONDAHR-V2020Found Records - 19
1FMCU9DZ7LUB40621 FORDESCAPE2020Found Records - 9
1FMSK8DH9LGC58445 FORDEXPLORER2020Found Records - 21
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2FMPK4AP4LBA81711 FORDEDGE2020Found Records - 10
3FA6P0HD2LR247415 FORDFUSION2020Found Records - 17
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4S3BWAG67L3027951 SUBARULEGACY2020Found Records - 22
3HGGK5H8XLM718710 HONDAFIT2020Found Records - 16
4S4BTGKD1L3225048 SUBARUOUTBACK2020Found Records - 17
JM1BPBDMXL1172239 MAZDAMAZDA32020Found Records - 16
1G1ZD5ST2LF028313 ChevroletMalibu2020Found Records - 15
1FAHP2F84DG153720 FORDTAURUS2013Found Records - 12
1C6SRFFT0LN264742 RAM15002020Found Records - 17
1FMCU0H62LUB07232 FordEscape2020Found Records - 14
KMHD84LFXKU769307 HYUNDAIELANTRA2019Found Records - 19
1G4GB5G32EF195413 BUICKLACROSSE2014Found Records - 13
1FTEW1E4XLFB81180 FORDF-1502020Found Records - 10
1GNSKBKC6KR339700 ChevroletTahoe2019Found Records - 16
3GCPYBEK8LG355852 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002020Found Records - 20
5UXCR4C01L9C67493 BMWX52020Found Records - 23
3GCPYBEK6LG357020 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002020Found Records - 9
3MW5R1J05L8B32808 BMW3302020Found Records - 18
WBY2Z4C06L7F83804 BMWI82020Found Records - 15
1FTFW1RG2LFC05917 FORDF-1502020Found Records - 22
1FT8W3BT9LED59154 FORDF-3502020Found Records - 19
1GNERGKW9LJ264166 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 17
1FTFX1E55LFC42428 FORDF-1502020Found Records - 16
1GNERFKW1LJ252135 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 11
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3GCPYBEK3LG356004 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002020Found Records - 10
3GCPYBEK8LG356872 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002020Found Records - 23
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2HKRW2H20LH647903 HONDACR-V2020Found Records - 19
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2HGFC2F68LH552453 HONDACIVIC2020Found Records - 14
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1C6RREFT5LN346569 RAM15002020Found Records - 26
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2HKRW2H55LH646692 HONDACR-V2020Found Records - 23
3FA6P0LUXKR207511 FORDFUSION HYBRID2019Found Records - 14
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1LNHM81V96Y651164 LINCOLNTOWN CAR2006Found Records - 12
1FTEX1EB4LKE47974 FORDF-1502020Found Records - 27
3GCPYBEK4LG357064 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002020Found Records - 17
1GNERHKW4LJ264193 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 17
1GNERGKW5LJ264178 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 20
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1GNERGKW7LJ264084 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 16
3GCPYBEK1LG356938 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002020Found Records - 26
3GCPYBEK2LG355913 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002020Found Records - 18
1FTFX1E46LKE24735 FORDF-1502020Found Records - 19
3GCPYBEK1LG356552 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002020Found Records - 18
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1GNERGKW5LJ264195 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 19
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1GNERHKW5LJ264672 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 19
1GNERGKW2LJ264641 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 15
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1GNERGKW2LJ264249 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 19
1FA6P8SJ3L5502301 FORDSHELBY GT5002020Found Records - 6
1GNERGKW1LJ264386 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE2020Found Records - 21
3N1AB7AP3KY311579 NISSANSENTRA2019Found Records - 22
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5FNYF6H59LB070199 HONDAPILOT2020Found Records - 19
5FPYK3F1XLB013267 HONDARIDGELINE2020Found Records - 18
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1C4RJEAG1LC379641 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 20
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1C4RJEAG2LC376411 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 12
1C4RJEAG0LC376410 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 11
1C4RJEAG1LC376416 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 17
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1C4RJEAG8LC376350 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 14
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1C4RJEAG7LC376405 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 15
1C4RJEAG6LC376413 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 14
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1C6RREFT7LN361591 RAM15002020Found Records - 16
1C4HJXDG3LW315456 JEEPWRANGLER UNLIMITED2020Found Records - 20
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1C4RJFLG3LC323025 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 10
1C4RJEBG2LC379453 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 21
1C4RJEAG3LC379446 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 23
1C4RJEBG0LC379449 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 26
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1C4RJEAGXLC379640 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 19
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1C4RJEBG3LC379767 JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE2020Found Records - 29
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1FMSK7DHXLGC42166 FORDEXPLORER2020Found Records - 15
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1FTER4EH2LLA49365 FORDRANGER2020Found Records - 23
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