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10598 - list of damaged vehicles. Select one and download the report

1G6KD54Y84U221079 CadillacDeVille2004Found Records - 17
2G1WX15K729187292 CHEVROLETMONTE CARL2002Found Records - 20
5TBRT34125S467842 TOYOTATUNDRA SR52005Found Records - 21
1GCDT136258186826 CHEVROLETCOLORADO2005Found Records - 22
1G4HR54K33U215687 BUICKLESABRE LIMITED2003Found Records - 26
5J6RM4H51GL141200 HONDACR-V EX2016Found Records - 5
JN8AT2MTXGW024202 NISSANROGUE S2016Found Records - 8
JTJYARBZ6H2056182 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 17
JTJYARBZ9H2051350 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 9
JTEGF21A830119866 ToyotaHighlander2003Found Records - 29
JTJBM7FX3H5155650 LEXUSGX2017Found Records - 16
1C4BJWDG0FL730322 JeepWrangler2015Found Records - 7
YV1MJ682252072864 VOLVOV502005Found Records - 20
JTJYARBZ9H2055155 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 16
JTJYARBZ3H2055894 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 26
JTJYARBZ3H2052641 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 13
1GNDS13S052140759 CHEVROLETTRAILBLAZER2005Found Records - 21
2T2ZZMCA5HC044176 LEXUSRX2017Found Records - 18
2B3KA43G28H270328 DODGECHARGER2008Found Records - 13
1B4HS28Z4YF178723 DODGEDURANGO2000Found Records - 20
JTJYARBZ7H2056529 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 22
2C3AE66G72H131104 CHRYSLER300M2002Found Records - 6
1GCHG35U641146219 CHEVROLETG3500 CARGO 4X22004Found Records - 18
2G1WH55K919287204 ChevroletImpala2001Found Records - 13
JTJYARBZ2H2055031 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 9
JTEGF21A730092532 ToyotaHighlander2003Found Records - 12
JTJYARBZ9H2053518 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 17
1GCSKPEA9AZ132443 ChevroletSilverado 15002010Found Records - 13
1GNEK13ZX2J272897 CHEVROLETTAHOE K1502002Found Records - 26
JTJYARBZ3H2051411 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 7
1C4NJRBB1GD579718 JEEPPATRIOT2016Found Records - 25
JTJYARBZ8H2052960 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 17
1GNEK13Z22J222902 ChevroletTahoe2002Found Records - 13
KNDPR3A63H7186855 KIASPORTAGE2017Found Records - 24
1N4AL11D22C188532 NissanAltima2002Found Records - 18
1G1NE52J63M710794 CHEVROLETMALIBU LS2003Found Records - 20
5J6RE4H36AL032721 HondaCR-V2010Found Records - 12
JN8AT2MV0GW152725 NISSANROGUE S2016Found Records - 16
1GNEK13Z22J213956 ChevroletTahoe2002Found Records - 23
KNDJC733935162548 KIASORENTO2003Found Records - 19
2C4GP54L75R583885 CHRYSLERTOWN &2005Found Records - 24
3VW2K7AJ2CM405021 VolkswagenJetta2012Found Records - 8
1B4HS28N6YF294745 DODGEDURANGO2000Found Records - 20
1G1YY26E975125837 ChevroletCorvette2007Found Records - 23
JTJYARBZ7H2052822 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 14
1C4PJMBS4GW246011 JEEPCHEROKEE2016Found Records - 8
1B4HS28N71F546511 DODGEDURANGO2001Found Records - 13
JA3AJ26E12U054661 MitsubishiLancer2002Found Records - 17
2D4RN3DG0BR748258 DodgeGrand Caravan2011Found Records - 23
1N4BL11E22C182971 NissanAltima2002Found Records - 19
2T2BZMCA6HC067340 LEXUSRX2017Found Records - 14
1FTNX21F9YEE55685 FordF2502000Found Records - 24
KNDJC733965525029 KIASorento2006Found Records - 16
1GCEK19T14E127254 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002004Found Records - 18
1G1RB6S53HU157015 CHEVROLETVOLT PREMIER2017Found Records - 13
1FMYU931X5DA07811 FordEscape2005Found Records - 17
2GCEK19T431188839 CHEVROLETSILVERADO 15002003Found Records - 28
JTHBK1GG5H2249839 LEXUSES2017Found Records - 29
1J4GL48K94W232001 JEEPLIBERTY SP2004Found Records - 5
1FADP3E25FL339844 FORDFOCUS S2015Found Records - 25
2T2ZZMCA3HC044158 LEXUSRX2017Found Records - 18
1FMRU17W01LA23401 FORDEXPEDITION2001Found Records - 8
JTDBE32K920109117 ToyotaCamry2002Found Records - 18
KNAGD128965447253 KIAOPTIMA2006Found Records - 17
1GCZGGFG5H1138493 CHEVROLETEXPRESS 35002017Found Records - 24
WDBRF61J02F154707 Mercedes-BenzC-Class2002Found Records - 18
KNAGD128965447074 KIAOPTIMA2006Found Records - 18
5J6RE4H51BL053205 HondaCR-V2011Found Records - 10
1C4NJCEA7GD666264 JEEPCOMPASS2016Found Records - 18
JTEBT17R730017369 Toyota4Runner2003Found Records - 25
JTEHF21A720081601 ToyotaHighlander2002Found Records - 8
1C3EL55T23N507586 CHRYSLERSEBRING LXI2003Found Records - 26
JA4MW31R12J004399 MitsubishiMontero2002Found Records - 25
JTHHA5BC0H5004969 LEXUSRC2017Found Records - 28
KL8CB6SA3HC737387 CHEVROLETSPARK LS2017Found Records - 25
KL8CD6SA4HC736579 CHEVROLETSPARK LT2017Found Records - 27
5J6RM4H31GL093180 HONDACR-V LX2016Found Records - 12
2FTRX18L72CA18143 FordF-1502002Found Records - 16
JTJYARBZ6H2051418 LEXUSNX2017Found Records - 14
JF1GG29692G830473 SubaruImpreza2002Found Records - 14
KMHCU5AE5CU041371 HyundaiAccent2012Found Records - 12
58ABK1GG2HU043341 LEXUSES2017Found Records - 11
5J6RM4H45GL079095 HONDACR-V SE2016Found Records - 23
1GCZGHFG1H1136410 CHEVROLETEXPRESS 35002017Found Records - 11
5XXGM4A76EG347764 KIAOPTIMA2014Found Records - 24
2FMZA52442BB49221 FORDWINDSTAR SE2002Found Records - 14
WBAAV53411JS94602 BMW3 Series2001Found Records - 12
5J6RM4H44GL100146 HONDACR-V SE2016Found Records - 11
ZACCJADT2GPC66273 JEEPRENEGADE2016Found Records - 18
1FMZU72K93ZA49146 FORDEXPLORER2003Found Records - 20
5XXGM4A73EG301101 KIAOPTIMA2014Found Records - 5
YV1AH852581069496 VOLVOS802008Found Records - 28
2T2ZZMCA0HC037121 LEXUSRX2017Found Records - 11
2B3HD56M04H601278 DODGEINTREPID2004Found Records - 18
1GNDT13S942262970 ChevroletTrailBlazer2004Found Records - 18
4T1BE32K82U560009 ToyotaCamry2002Found Records - 9
3D7HU18Z22G115154 DODGERAM TRUCK2002Found Records - 15
1GKFK66U65J195805 GMCYUKON2005Found Records - 18
KNDJC733365540481 KiaSorento2006Found Records - 13
1D4HB58N64F227774 DODGEDURANGO2004Found Records - 25
1FTEW1CP5HFA56818 FordF-1502017Found Records - 23
4T1BE32KX2U068842 ToyotaCamry2002Found Records - 22
58ABK1GG4HU039971 LEXUSES2017Found Records - 26
1G1BF5SM5H7168927 CHEVROLETCRUZE PREMIER2017Found Records - 26
WBAAV13431FT35341 BMW3 Series2001Found Records - 13
1GNEK13Z22J218378 ChevroletTahoe2002Found Records - 26
1GNDV23L55D176490 CHEVROLETUPLANDER LS2005Found Records - 19
JTEGH20V420064393 TOYOTARAV42002Found Records - 19
2G1WH55KX49427474 CHEVROLETIMPALA2004Found Records - 22
4A3AB36F84E144090 MITSUBISHIGALANT2004Found Records - 13
1G1NE52J92M570321 CHEVROLETMALIBU LS2002Found Records - 6
1FADP3K23DL247505 FORDFOCUS2013Found Records - 17
2T1BURHEXGC744531 TOYOTACOROLLA S2016Found Records - 13
1G1BC5SM9H7167904 CHEVROLETCRUZE LS2017Found Records - 20
2G1WF52EX39321657 CHEVROLETIMPALA2003Found Records - 19
1GNDT13S342262575 ChevroletTrailBlazer2004Found Records - 19
2C4GP54L31R338754 ChryslerTown &2001Found Records - 24
YV1AS982281078434 VOLVOS802008Found Records - 19
KNAGD128865446594 KiaOptima2006Found Records - 24
1C4BJWDG1HL548549 JeepWrangler2017Found Records - 26
2GCEK19T921363553 ChevroletSilverado2002Found Records - 16
JHMGK5H50GS008036 HONDAFIT LX2016Found Records - 17
KNAGD128965446801 KIAOPTIMA2006Found Records - 15
KNDJC733765502803 KIASORENTO EX2006Found Records - 13
1FTEW1EF4GFD12532 FordF-1502016Found Records - 12
1C4NJCBA8GD560541 JEEPCOMPASS2016Found Records - 10
JHMGK5H72GS004393 HONDAFIT EX2016Found Records - 19
KNAGD128365446390 KIAOPTIMA LX2006Found Records - 18
2HNYD28618H540275 AcuraMDX2008Found Records - 14
5J8TB2H56CA001236 ACURARDX TECHNOLOGY2012Found Records - 12
JTHHA5BC6H5004958 LEXUSRC2017Found Records - 26
KNAGD128X65451330 KIAOPTIMA LX2006Found Records - 7
JTHBK1GG5H2249212 LEXUSES2017Found Records - 14
1B4GP24352B597287 DodgeGrand Caravan2002Found Records - 24
1C4PJMCS3GW283520 JEEPCHEROKEE2016Found Records - 10
58ABK1GG3HU043252 LEXUSES2017Found Records - 12
KNAGD128465439948 KiaOptima2006Found Records - 30
2LMDJ8JK7CBL05043 LincolnMKX2012Found Records - 12
KNDJD733465521225 KIASORENTO EX2006Found Records - 10
1G6EL12Y8YB704262 CADILLACELDORADO2000Found Records - 14
1FAFP53U51G115368 FordTaurus2001Found Records - 22
JF1GV8J65CL016947 SUBARUIMPREZA WRX2012Found Records - 26
1HGFA16866L004802 HONDACIVIC EX2006Found Records - 14
1G6DP577160181957 CADILLACCTS2006Found Records - 22
4A3AC44G12E019928 MitsubishiEclipse2002Found Records - 28
1FDXE4FS3DDA99679 FordEconoline2013Found Records - 31
5FNRL38796B433005 HONDAODYSSEY2006Found Records - 8
1C4NJCBA1GD512816 JEEPCOMPASS2016Found Records - 17
4A4AR3AU2DE014058 MitsubishiOutlander Sport2013Found Records - 17
1GBJG31U531129504 CHEVROLETEXPRESS CU2003Found Records - 18
2HNYD18261H526031 AcuraMdx2001Found Records - 10
2T2ZZMCAXHC039684 LEXUSRX2017Found Records - 27
58ABK1GG8HU040458 LEXUSES2017Found Records - 17
1FMCU9J99DUB12339 FordEscape2013Found Records - 17
2C3CDXBG5EH131632 DODGECHARGER SE2014Found Records - 12
KNDJP3A56F7156409 KIASOUL2015Found Records - 19
KNAGM4A73E5485988 KIAOPTIMA2014Found Records - 30
JTHBZ1BLXHA008221 LEXUSGS2017Found Records - 13
58ABK1GG2HU041055 LEXUSES2017Found Records - 11
KNDPN3AC6H7177438 KIASPORTAGE2017Found Records - 22
1GCEK19T33E343265 CHEVROLETSILVERADO2003Found Records - 16
5J6RM4H32GL099389 HONDACR-V LX2016Found Records - 29
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JHMGK5H70GS005915 HONDAFIT EX2016Found Records - 20
1FTRW07L11KA49140 FordF-Series2001Found Records - 14
5XYZT3LBXFG255013 HYUNDAISANTA FE2015Found Records - 9
1GNKRHKD6FJ306241 CHEVROLETTRAVERSE LT2015Found Records - 13
4T1BE32K53U663079 TOYOTACAMRY LE2003Found Records - 19
1FTEW1EGXGFD32325 FordF-1502016Found Records - 12
2HKRM4H32GH686542 HONDACR-V LX2016Found Records - 17